Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q3 2007SP1

January 14, 2008

What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q3 2007 SP1:

RadAjax v1.8.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. EnableOutsideScripts no longer disposes document.body ASP.NET AJAX components.
  2. ASP.NET 2.0 Callbacks now work as expected after ajax request.

RadCalendar v2.2.3

What’s New:

  1. New rendering of RadDate/TimePicker when no buttons/labels
  2. RadDate/TimePickers are now skinnable (the style properties like Skin,RadControlsDir etc. should be set to the picker instance)

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadDateTimePicker: TimeView is now displayed as expected on Safari.
  2. RadDate/TimePicker controls now work properly with ajax callout validators.
  3. RadDatePicker: A rare crash with old Safari versions is now fixed.
  4. RadDate/TimePicker: Problems with the manually added selected dates are now fixed.

RadChart v4.1.1

What’s Fixed:

Charting Engine:

  1. Fixed white spaces between Pie series segments
  2. Fixed antialiasing problems with zero borders
  3. Fixed DataTable overlapped by rotated axis items issue
  4. Fixed antialiasing problems in oblique borders
  5. Fixed an issue with datatable rendered over a rounded chart
  6. Fixed Chart rendering error when there is no series and data table is enabled
  7. Individual items can now override series text colors settings
  8. Chart wizard error when setting title is fixed
  9. Fixed issue with legend title overlapping the first item
  10. Fixed an error when LogarithmBase is less than 2
  11. The legend is not serialized in .aspx when adding RadChart to the page
  12. StackedBar series now respect XValue
  13. Fixed a SeriesPalette property reset issue
  14. Fixed a legend colors issue
  15. Wizard crash when clicking Skins tab is now fixed
  16. Axis LabelAppearance serialization issue fixed
  17. Fixed an issue with "#STSUM" default label value
  18. Fixed a visual appearance issue when BarWidthPercent is specified
  19. Pie item labels positioning is improved
  20. Fixed an issue with hidden horizontal bars
  21. Fixed axis labels alignment issue
  22. Fixed axis items dimensions serialization issue
  23. Fixed a problem with MarkedZone label rendering
  24. Visible property is not persisted in skin
  25. Fixed an issue with StackedArea series labels visibility

RadCombobox v2.8.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Skin Chooser in Visual Studio Design-time is now fixed.

RadEditor v7.3.1

What’s Fixed:

  1. Editor Visual Studio Design-time error when opening the smart tag is now fixed.
  2. A width problem when the editor is inside a table is now fixed.
  3. A problem with the convertToXhtml filter is now fixed.
  4. <noscript> tags are no longer stripped in IE.
  5. A problem with wrong html content, which caused Internet Explorer to freeze is now fixed.
  6. CSS style text is now converted to lowercase (for XHTML compliance).
  7. The editor will no longer use the background image from the containing page.
  8. A rare crash in Firefox when moving the editor is now fixed.
  9. A problem with validation is now fixed.
  10. The full screen implementation is now improved

RadGrid v5.1.1

What’s New:

  1. Codeless hierarchy support for LinqDataSource
  2. HorizontalAlign property renders text-align instead of align for GridTableHeaderCell and GridTableRow 

What’s Fixed:

  1. Wrong column grouped under IE when there is Display="false" column before grouped column. The issue is now fixed.
  2. NullReference exception in FillData when columnToUse does not exist in the table is now fixed.
  3. Paging no longer fails in case of sorting and filtering with 'NoFilter' set (NeedDataSource)
  4. Setting style for alternating, ItemStyle, HeaderStyle, FooterStyle, SelectedItemStyle, GroupHeaderItemStyle , CommandItemStyle and FilterItemStyle items has no effect. The issue is now fixed.
  5. Exception with related grids: IndexOutOfRangeException: Index -3 is either negative or above rows count is now fixed.
  6. GridTableLayout.Auto is now applied correctly in FF.
  7. AllowRowSelect with Empty Grid JavaScript Error (DataSource = null) is now fixed.
  8. Header no longer move back after filtering in IE6.
  9. ReadOnly columns cells value is no longer lost on post back when the grid is not bound.
  10. NoRecordsTemplate no longer stretch fixed-width Grid.
  11. HeaderText is now used instead DataField in CSV export. The issue is now fixed.
  12. "&nbsp;" removed for CSV export and DataBoundLiteralControl support added. The issue is now fixed.
  13. ASP.NET 2.0 Callbacks now work as expected after ajax request.

RadInput v2.1.3

What’s New:

  1. New rendering of RadInput when no buttons/labels

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadInput controls now work as expected with ajax callout validators.
  2. RadTextBox/RadMaskedTextBox Columns property now works as expected.
  3. RadInput controls: the empty message is limited by the maxLength property.
  4. RadDateInput: A rare crash with old Safari versions is now fixed.
  5. GroupSizes now works as expected with AllowRounding="false".

RadMenu v4.4.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Skin Chooser in Visual Studio Design-time is now fixed.
  2. Context menu ajaxification with UpdatePanel no longer requires a trigger
  3. Design time rendering issues in Visual Studio 2008 are now fixed.
  4. The position of the child groups is now correctly calculated when an OffsetY is applied to a scrollable item.

RadPanelbar v4.3.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Skin Chooser in Visual Studio Design-time is now fixed.

RadTabstrip v3.6.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Skin Chooser in Visual Studio Design-time is now fixed.
  2. Design time rendering issues in Visual Studio 2008 are now fixed.

RadTreeView v6.3.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadTreeNode.Clone clones all properties and child nodes

RadUpload v2.4.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Uploading large files problem in IIS is now fixed.
  2. RadUpload does not interfere with client-side validation on the page.
  3. RadUpload now uploads 0 byte files even when there is no RadProgressManager on the page.
  4. The built-in checkbox value can now be obtained server-side