Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q3 2007

December 17, 2007

What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q3 2007:

  1. All controls now have full support for Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET 3.5.
  2. All RadControls now have common default “rad” tag prefix in Visual Studio.

RadCalendar v2.2.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadDatePicker: Fixed a problem with client-side validation when form DefaultButton is set.
  2. Views arguments in OnDefaultViewChanged event are now fixed.
  3. RadCalendar FocusedDateColumn and Row in multi-month view calendar issue is now fixed.
  4. Improved RadDate/TimePicker height rendering - missing bottom border problem is now resolved


RadChart v4.1.0

What’s Fixed:

  1. Click is now RadChart default event.
  2. X axis item labels can now be hidden declaratively.
  3. Custom ChartMargins, ChartPaddings and Corners now work in MediumTrust
  4. Fixed Line series items tooltip issue.
  5. Fixed wizard crash issue in some rare scenarios.
  6. Mixed series items are now positioned correctly
  7. Fixed Gridlines rendering error if axis items count = 0
  8. Vertical gridlines and DataTable are now rendered over the PlotArea
  9. Stacked100 area and spline area labels are now shown correctly in horizontal series orientation
  10. Hiding major grid lines of X-Axis now hides major tick marks.
  11. Fixed DataTable and pie series exception.


RadCombobox v2.8.2

What’s New:

  1. Hover style is now implemented.  To use it add a “.ComboBoxInputHover_<SkinName>” in your css file.


RadEditor v7.3.0

What’s New:

  1. New content filters architecture that addresses a number of advanced scenarios, especially in Mozilla, which resulted in problems with producing XHTML content

What’s Fixed:

  1. In IE in some scenarios when pasting content which formatting needs to be cleaned, the page will no longer flicker during the paste.
  2. The editor would now work properly in AJAX scenarios, such as autosave, when the editor's edit mode happened to be HTML instead of Design
  3. Due to specifics in Mozilla browsers, the editor was moved in the DOM or when the editor is rendered invisible and then shown, it would not be editable. The issue is now fixed.


RadGrid v5.1.0

What’s New:

  1. Significant data-binding performance optimizations
  2. Native Export to Excel with option to customize the exported document appearance prior to the export action
  3. FilterExpression now passed directly to SqlDataSourceView & ObjectDataSourceView
  4. LinqDataSource: Support for filtering and grouping with server paging

What’s Fixed:

  1. Smart tag skin chooser & VS.NET crash in case of missing image is now fixed.
  2. ExportToPDF no longer throws an exception with ShowHeader="false".
  3. Export to CSV/PDF now supports special characters even with utf8 encoding.
  4. Not visible items are no longer exported to CSV.
  5. Horizontal scroller when having frozen columns is no longer missing in FF2.
  6. Frozen columns size no longer changes on scrolling in IE7.
  7. Slow scrolling and browser lockup with frozen columns in IE6 is now fixed.
  8. Setting MasterTableView style no longer resets CssClass for this style.
  9. GridEditForm_Default CSS class is now rendered with the embedded Default skin.
  10. AllowFilteringByColumn=false now clears FilterExpressions.
  11. EditFormItem is no longer excluded client-side with GridClientSelectColumn as the first Grid column.
  12. Column index is now longer recalculated client-side before firing any event due to the display="false" columns problem.
  13. NoRecordsItem is no longer included in Rows collection in case of ClientDeleteColumn
  14. Selection now works as expected after column resize in Firefox.
  15. DetailsTable's columns can now be hidden client-side.
  16. Fixed the exception "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index" - ExtractValuesFromItem problems with ReadOnly columns.
  17. Exception when inserting with CheckBox, Bind() and null value is now fixed.
  18. RadGrid in AJAX mode now allows selection of templated input text in IE.
  19. CellIndex for columns reordering & grouping under IE is now fixed.
  20. Issue with multi-row header when static headers are enabled is now fixed.
  21. With HeaderButtonType = TextButton and AllowColumnResize=true hand/pointer cursor is now shown as expected.
  22. Controls added using ItemDataBound/ItemCreated in GridGroupHeaderItem.DataCell are no longer lost after post-back


RadInput v2.1.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadMaskedTextBox error on clearing Mask runtime is now fixed.
  2. RadMaskedTextBox - OnEnable / OnDisable client-side events are now fired as expected.
  3. RadDateInput: DbSelectedDate can't be set declaratively exception is now fixed.
  4. RadDateInput: baseDate parsing issue when setting Min/MaxDate is now fixed.
  5. Problem with absolute position design-time is now fixed.
  6. Security issue using the RadTextBox with Password is now fixed.
  7. RadInput controls flickering within UpdatePanel is now fixed.
  8. RadNumericTextBox javascript error when clicking spin up/down (when placed in RadAjaxPanel if AutoPostback is set to true) is now fixed.
  9. Improved input height rendering - missing bottom border problem is resolved.


RadPanelbar v4.3.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. JavaScript error when pressing ESC is now fixed.


RadSplitter v1.3.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. A problem with sliding panes header in specific cases with FireFox is now fixed.
  2. A problem with sliding panes in specific cases when using Ajax is now fixed.

RadTabstrip v3.6.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. An exception when trying to bind to SiteMapNodeCollection is now fixed.
  2. PageViews are no longer rendered by default with width and height set to 100%. The issue is now fixed.

RadTreeView v6.3.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. An exception when trying to bind to IHierarchicalEnumerable is now fixed.