Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q3 2006SP3

November 19, 2006

What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q3 2006 Service Pack 3:

Common for all controls:

  1. Full support for Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Beta 2 (Codenamed “Atlas”)
  2. The Beta 2 release of Atlas is not backwards compatible and therefore previous Atlas Beta/CTP bits will no longer work with our latest release. If you intend to use Atlas CTP please use our RadControls Q3 SP1 versions. If you intend to use Atlas Beta 1 please use our RadControls Q3 SP2 versions.

RadAjax v1.5.3

What’s New:

  1. Documentation is now enriched with several new How-To topics.
  2. RadAjax now supports Netscape 7.
  3. RadAjaxtimer now restarts automatically on Interval change

What’s Fixed:

  1. An error when loading user control having JavaScript and comments is now fixed.
  2. A problem when using RadAjax with a TextBox with AutoPostBack and CausesValidation is now fixed.
  3. Broken AJAX updates on Opera and Safari are now fixed.
  4. NullReference error when incorrectly using RadAjax with a RadioButton/CheckBox List is now fixed.
  5. Initial AJAX controls scripts and script references are no longer rendered when EnableAJAX is set to false.
  6. An issue when updating hidden controls with AJAX in specific cases is now fixed.

RadCalendar v1.8.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Support for application/xhtml+xml content type
  2. Memory leaks in the DateInput component of RadDatepicker are now eliminated

RadComboBox v2.5.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Input resize problem under ASP.NET AJAX are now fixed
  2. Text property of the RadComboBox class can now be set either server-side or client-side as well as declaratively in the aspx page.

RadDock v1.6.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. When having several RadDockableObjects in a vertical RadDockingZone, one of them closed and the others are reordered, a blank space occurred in the zone, equal to the size of the closed RadDockableObject. The problem is now fixed.

RadEditor v6.6.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. When a page with an editor having ToolbarMode="PageTop" was not completely loaded, clicking on the page area threw an "Operation Aborted" error message in Internet Explorer. The problem is now fixed.
  2. When an anchor was created without text the anchors dropdown in the Link Manager did not contain the anchor without text. The problem is now fixed.
  3. When having nested lists and the user attempted to apply a class on a list, it was not possible to properly select the list with the mouse, because of its sublists. As a result, the class did not get applied to list, but it added formatting FONT/SPAN tags in between. The editor is now able to detect that user wants to apply class to the whole list and applies it correctly.
  4. When there was a list with a single list item and user selected it, trying to apply class to the whole list, the class would be applied to the item only. Now it is applied to the list.
  5. Several changes have been made to the RealFontSize tool to enable it to work without selection and to mimic more closely the FontSize tool behavior.

RadGrid v4.0.3

What’s New:

  1. ExportSettings. FileName, ExportOnlyData, IgnorePaging and OpenInNewWindow can be specified when having GridTableView method ExportToExcel().
  2. CommandItemSettings are now added for every GridTableView. AddNewRecordText, RefreshText, AddNewRecordImageUrl and RefreshImageUrl.
  3. EditItemStyle, CommandItemStyle and FilterItemStyle CssClasses are now added by default. Rules are: GridEditRow_SKINNAME, GridCommandRow_SKINNAME and GridFilterRow_SKINNAME.
  4. e.NewSortOrder and e.OldSortOrder are now added in SortCommand

What’s Fixed:

  1. Hierarchy is now properly expanding (no DataSource for DetailTables) in ASP.NET 1.x using declarative relations.
  2. Images are now displayed properly in Visual Studio 2005 design time.
  3. SEO optimization (AllowPaging set to false in case of Crawlers
  4. Expand tooltip modification and row selection on expand action are now behaving as expected.
  5. ClientSettings.ApplyStylesOnClient now works as expected even without turning on client-side row feature.
  6. Fix for empty grid source through DataReader and insert operation in ASP.NET 2.0 (GridInsertionObject text was displayed in the editors)
  7. Visual Studio .NET 2005 Localization file generation now works as expected.

RadInput v1.4.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. A couple of memory leaks are now fixed.

RadMenu v4.1.3

What’s New:

  1. New client-side events are now added: OnClientContextShowing, OnClientContextShown, OnClientContextHidden.

What’s Fixed:

  1. Occasional disposition of child groups when ClickToOpen is true is now fixed.

RadPanelBar v4.0.3

What’s New:

  1. PersistStateInCookie property is now implemented.

What’s Fixed:

  1. DataBinding expressions for unbound panel items are no longer automatically evaluated. The DataBind method of the root level panel items needs to be called as a workaround.
  2. Height 100% is no longer causing scrollbars.
  3. The disabled item state in the built-in skins is now changed.

RadRotator v2.4.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Errors when RadRotator is inside a templated control are now fixed
  2. Compatibility issues with RadSplitter are now fixed.

RadSplitter v1.0.3

What’s New:

  1. Major performance improvements

RadTabStrip v3.3.3

What’s New:

  1. New properties are now introduced ImageOverUrl, DisabledImageUrl, SelectedImageUrl.

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadTabStrip is no longer rendered on top of other content in IE7 and FireFox.
  2. RadTabStrip is no invisible in some specific cases in IE6.

RadToolBar v1.3.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Text is now visible in FireFox when the button type is TextAndImage

RadUpload v2.1.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. ReadOnlyFileInputs now works as expected in all scenarios.

RadWindow v2.1.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Modal windows would render under the modality overlay and would be inaccessible to the user in Netscape. The problem is now fixed.
  2. When PreserveClientState = true, in some cases it would not allow for a specified visible window to show on the client. The problem is now fixed.