Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q3 2005 SP2

September 12, 2005

Features two new products - Radcallback and RadDock as well as new major versions for RadGrid, RadRotator and RadTreeView

All products from the RadControls suite are updated with a new minor version featuring XHTML level 1.1 compliance and Accessibility Level A compliance in accordance with the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. All components are fully operable with the new Radcallback suite in order to take advantage of the AJAX functionality.

Product Highlights:

- RadGrid 2.0
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Asynchronous (AJAX) Requests
Client-side expand/collapse and mixed expand/collapse in hierarchical mode and group-by mode
Edit Forms Spanning Across Multiple Columns
UserControls and Templates as Edit Forms
Conditional Formatting
Columns Collection Persistence

- RadRotator 2.0
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Flexible DataBinding Methods
Extensive Client-Side API
Client- and Server-side Events
Transition Effects
Tickers and Tickerlines

- RadTreeView 5.0
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
VS.NET Design-Time Support
Template Support
Custom Attributes
Auto-Scroll on Drag
Auto-Open Node on Hover

- RadEditor 5.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
New XHTML Validator module
Rich-text edit support for Safari 1.3. and 2.0
Optimized dialogs and modules to facilitate the creation of XHTML compliant content

- RadMenu 3.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Extensive Cross-Browser Support

- RadPanelBar 3.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Improved DataBinding

- RadTabStrip 2.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Enhanced Server-Side API
Improved CSS-based Customization
Separator with Styles

- RadChart 2.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance

- RadSpell 2.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance
Safari 1.3+ browser support
.NET API that allows for the spellchecker to be used from web services, WinForms applications, AJAX callbacks, etc

- RadComboBox 1.5
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance

- Radcallback 1.0
Ability to Update Standard and 3rd Party Controls
Persisting of Page ViewState Between Callbacks
Cross-Browser Support (Internet Explorer 6.0+, Netscape 6.0+ and Mozilla FireFox 0.6+, Opera 8.0.2+).
Support for .NET 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0
Rich set of Client and Server Events
Synchronous and Asynchronous Callback Requests
Generic Callback Control
XHTML and Accessibility Compliance

- RadDock 1.0
Dynamic objects (RadDockableObject) that can be rearranged on the client browser and special regions (RadDockingZone ) where these dynamic objects can be placed/docked
Easy creation of dynamic layouts with simple drag-and-drop
Flexible customization of Dockable Objects and Docking Zones
Extensive VS.NET Design Time Support
Animation Effects
Customizable Visual Appearance
Save/Load State and Layout