Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q1 2008

April 14, 2008

What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q1 2008:

RadCalendar v2.2.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. [RadPickers] Fixed a problem with double postback on selecting date/time
  2. [RadTimePicker] Fixed a problem with RadTimePicker control and ReqiredFieldValidator

RadChart v4.1.3

What’s New:

  1. AutoLayout functionality - The AutoLayout functionality instructs the control to perform out-of-the-box layout arrangement that provides optimal utilization of the whole chart area and ensures that all chart elements are fully readable and do not overlap with one another.
  2. Zooming / Scrolling functionality - allowing users to explore portions of large charts in more detail with excellent performance. The user can zoom to a portion of the chart by dragging and selecting with the mouse (see left-most image below) to set a new scale for the chart. AJAX retrieves the visible "chunk" of the chart that was selected. The user can continue to navigate the chart by scrolling.
  3. Automatic text-wrapping functionality
  4. New skins - Marble, Wood, Metal
  5. New series types - StackedLine and StackedSpline

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed an issue in programmatic databinding to LINQ queries.
  2. Fixed a serialization exception with StateServer / SqlServer session state and storing the viewstate in session via PageStatePersister.
  3. Fixed an issue with high CPU usage for pie chart in certain cases
  4. Fixed a DataBinding issue when changing datasources
  5. Fixed marked zones label tootip.
  6. Fixed bar series position issue.
  7. Fixed an issue with disappearing label for bars with small values
  8. Fixed an issue with chart series items labels positioning
  9. Fixed an issue with EMF format in design time
  10. Pie chart item labels can now be placed inside the chart
  11. Extended Y axis is now extended even if the axis max value does not match the series' max value
  12. Fixed an issue with XmlDataSource
  13. Fixed an issue with Line chart series shadow
  14. Fixed an issue with axis labels serialization
  15. User-defined custom figures are now editable
  16. User-defined custom figures are now available for selection in Series.Appearance.PointMark.Figure dropdown.

RadCombobox v2.8.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed wrapping of drop down area when DropDownWidth is smaller than Width.
  2. Fixed a memory leak in IE.

RadEditor v7.3.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a problem with the UseClassicDialogs property and the RadSpell editor dialog
  2. Fixed some problems with the editor in design-time (Visual Studio 2005 and 2008)
  3. Fixed a problem when clicking the Paste button and the editor is not focused
  4. Fixed a bug with style tags in Firefox
  5. Fixed problems with Section 508 compliance, XHTML compliance
  6. Fixed a problem when there is only a single flash object in the content
  7. Fixed a problem with anchors when StripAbsoluteAnchorPaths is false
  8. Fixed some problems in the HTML indentation filter
  9. Fixed problem with extra attributes appearing on some elements(originalAttribute, originalPath)
  10. Fixed a rare JavaScript exception when docking/undocking a module

RadGrid v5.1.3

What’s Fixed:

  1. GridEditCommandColumn image URLs are now correctly applied for detail tables.
  2. GridDataDiv height is now properly sized.
  3. DataFormatString is no longer applied for grid column editors.
  4. Filtering does not work correctly with System.Char.

RadInput v2.1.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. [RadDateInput] Fixed a problem when the picker's culture is set to Spanish (Costa Rica)
  2. [RadInput] scroll wheel does not work while the mouse is on top of any RadInput control - The issue is now fixed.
  3. [RadInput] The Text property of RadInput controls is not updated immediately with DefaultButton - The issue is now fixed.
  4. [RadTextBox] Fixed a problem with TextMode set to Password and EmptyMessage

RadMenu v4.4.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. Context menu items no longer remain selected after clicking them
  2. RadMenu occasionally prevents submitting the page by pressing “Enter”. The issue is now fixed.
  3. The “expanded” CSS class is now properly cleared when expand/collapse delay is set to 0.
  4. Binding to IHierarchicalEnumerable no longer fails with exception

RadTreeView v6.3.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. AfterClientCallBack error is now executed if an error is throw from the server
  2. ScrollIntoView now works correctly in IE7
  3. Expanding/Collapsing a node no longer prevents it from causing a horizontal scroll to appear
  4. GetXml now correctly serializes all properties
  5. LoadXmlString no longer calls NodeCreated twice

RadUpload v2.4.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a problem when there are both a normal upload and RadUpload controls on the page

RadWindow v1.9.5

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a small layout problem with the alert/confirm/prompt templates