Release History

By product

UI for ASP.NET (discontinued) Q1 2007SP2

June 26, 2007

What’s New in RadControls for ASP.NET Q1 2007 Service Pack 2:

RadAjax v1.7.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadAjaxPanel is now properly initialized when the document.readyState is interactive.
  2. RadAjaxServiceManager now has the same output in both IE and FireFox.
  3. RadAjaxServiceManager encoding of special characters ANSI range 128-255 is now fixed.
  4. RadAjax problem with Redirect() in certain cases is now fixed.
  5. Calling Hide() on loading panels showing over RadControls now works as expected.
  6. Loading panels are now hidden after cancelled redirect during OnBeforeUnload
  7. "Undefined error" when canceling AJAX redirects during OnBeforeUnload is now fixed.

RadCalendar v2.1.2

What’s New:

  1. RadDatePicker / RadDateTimePicker: new client-side events OnPopupOpening / OnPopupClosing for the calendar popup
  2. RadDateTimePicker: new client-side events OnPopupOpening / OnPopupClosing for the timeview popup

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadCalendar: a problem with the MultiView Calendar is now fixed
  2. RadDatePicker: a problem with the DateInput parsing logic that would incorrectly interpret February dates as March dates (e.g. the "2 5 2007 entry would be erroneously evaluated as March 5th instead of February 5th) is now corrected.
  3. RadDatePicker: DateInput parsing logic will now take into account the DateFormat set for the DateInput in order to initialize its year, month, and day slots (if it is not possible to infer the necessary information from the DateFormat, it uses the culture-specific short date format as it did previously).
  4. RadDatePicker: the DateInput parsing logic would throw an exception if it detects an excessively long number that cannot be parsed (> 4 digits) e.g. "02/221951" is not legal input.
  5. RadDatePicker: a problem with enabling / disabling the control when using the SharedCalendar functionality (the DateInput remained disabled) is now fixed.
  6. RadDatePicker / RadDateTimePicker: Design-time issues with the ImageUrl and HoverImageUrl properties of the PopupButtons are now fixed.

RadChart v3.1.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. YAxis label direction issue when switching to horizontal chart is now fixed.
  2. When RadChart is databound X axis items are not alphabetically sorted anymore, but come in order of appearance in the datasource.
  3. Same fix for chart series order, they now appear as they are ordered in the datasource instead of alphabetically sorted.
  4. RadChart now binds correctly to empty IList.
  5. RadChart skin is now properly applied in all scenarios.
  6. Palette is no longer lost on postback.
  7. AddRange() now adds the correct number of Y axis items.
  8. Pie chart CenterXOffset issue is fixed.
  9. X axis adding additional items on post back issue is fixed.
  10. HeightRatio less than 0.5 no longer affects legend positioning.

RadCombobox v2.7.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. OnClientSelectedIndexChanged no longer fires multiple times
  2. HtmlEncoded for the text it the combobox hidden field.
  3. Improved performance in JSON serialization.
  4. Fixed a scenario that allowed custom text to be entered even with AllowCustomText set to false.
  5. MarkFirstMatch property of RadComboBox does not select disabled
    items anymore.

RadEditor v7.1.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. When pasting content from Word and choosing Cancel, the content would still appear modified. This was due to IE automatically stripping some of the formatting if paste was performed on the range, rather than on the document. The problem is now fixed.
  2. ConvertToXhtml = true. Problem when using iframe tags. After switching back and forth to HTML mode and back the content after the IFRAME would disappear. The problem is now fixed.
  3. ConvertToXhtml=true. IE7-only problem. When an image map is created, and an image area's href does not start with "http:", the browse would prepend the href with "about:". The problem is now fixed.
  4. ConvertToXhtml=true. Now custom XML and ASP.NET tags within the HTML are properly preserved.
  5. Code in LoadPostData would not check for the __EVENTTARGET - thus when multiple editors existed on a page and Cancel was called for one of them, result was that it was executed for all of them. The problem is now fixed.
  6. Inserting an editable form element from the InsertForm dropdown would require double click to edit it. Now most of the elements gain the focus automatically.

RadGrid v4.6.2

What’s New:

  1. New OnFilterMenuShowing client-side event with ability to modify the menu per column.
  2. PrevPageToolTip, PrevPagesToolTip, NextPageToolTip & NextPagesToolTip added to the PagerStyle.
  3. "GridHeaderOver_" + SKIN NAME CSS class added when the grid column headers are hovered.
  4. "GridRowOver_" + SKIN NAME CSS class added when the grid data rows are hovered.
  5. "GridHeaderDiv_", "GridDataDiv_" and "GridFooterDiv_" + SKIN NAME CSS classes added to the divs when the grid is in scrolling mode.
  6. New RadGrid.ExportToExcelCommandName and RadGrid.ExportToWordCommandName are added and the grid can now be exported using the event bubbling.

What’s Fixed:

  1. OnColumnCreated client-side now works as expected in all cases.
  2. Applying a ColumnEditorID/GridTextBoxColumnEditor to a GridBoundColumn in a nested DetailTable now works as expected.
  3. "this.Control is null or not an object" error with slider paging, AJAX, filtering and items less than the page size is now fixed.
  4. IE6 crash with RadGrid and RadAjax in some specific cases is now fixed.
  5. On a page with two AJAX-enabled grids if you update one of them the styles for the other grid are no longer affected.
  6. Column resizers are now properly positioned even in IE with strict DOCTYPE. The default body margin is added to the calculations.
  7. SelectedIndexChanged is now at the correct lifecycle stage (RaisePostDataChanged) with client-side selection.
  8. "Next Page" "Previous Page" tooltips are no longer hard-coded and can be modified.
  9. Pager validation no longer fails with following symbols !@#$%^&*().
  10. Advanced pager PageSize change now works not only for MasterTableView PageSize but for RadGrid PageSize as well.
  11. RadGrid no longer exports CommandItem and static headers with ignore formatting option.
  12. JavaScript error on IE when clicking paging numbers before page is loaded is now fixed.
  13. RadGrid VirtualScroll no longer keeps client-side row selection.
  14. Status bar item is no longer exported when only data option is selected
  15. RadGrid now properly exports all records in case of custom paging when ignore paging is selected.
  16. Static headers are now properly formatted under IE6.

RadInput v2.0.2

What’s New:

  1. RadInput: New OnKeyPress client-side event for RadInput controls
  2. RadMaskedTextBox: ResetCaretOnFocus functionality is now added.
  3. RadNumericTextBox: New properties for setting the numeric format and display declaratively: NumberFormat.DecimalDigits - specifies how many digits will be displayed after the decimal separator; NumberFormat.DecimalSeparator - specifies the marker which will separate the decimal numbers; NumberFormat.GroupSeparator - specifies the delimiter which will separate each group of digits; NumberFormat.GroupSizes - specifies the number of digits that will contain each group, starting from the decimal separator; NumberFormat.PositivePattern; NumberFormat.NegativePattern

What's Fixed:

  1. RadInput: Validation controls will display / hide the ErrorMessage at the same time they do for regular asp:TextBox (onblur).
  2. RadInput: a problem in a ASP.NET 2.0 DefaultButton scenarios that results in losing the last entered character is now fixed.
  3. RadInput: CSS incompliant code is no longer rendered by the input controls in specific scenarios.
  4. RadInput: Wwhitespace produced by the hidden input field in some scenarios are now removed.
  5. RadMaskedTextBox: the Text property value is now properly visualized on postback (any preset Text as well).
  6. RadMaskedTextBox: a problem with the SelectionOnFocus property is now fixed.
  7. RadMaskedTextBox: a problem with the cursor position in some scenarios is now fixed (e.g. with Mask="<1900..2000>).
  8. RadDateInput: a problem with the date parsing logic that would incorrectly interpret February dates as March dates (e.g. the "2 5 2007" entry would be erroneously evaluated as March 5th instead of February 5th) is now fixed.
  9. RadDateInput: the client-side OnValueChanged event will not fire if the oldValue and newValue as parsed dates are equal i.e. they may differ as text ("31 12 2007" Vs "31 Dec 2007") but as parsed dates they are equal and the event should not be raised.
  10. RadDateInput: date parsing logic will take into account the DateFormat set for the DateInput in order to initialize its year, month, and day slots (if it is not possible to infer the necessary information from the DateFormat, it uses the culture-specific short date format as it did previously).
  11. RadDateInput: the parsing logic would throw an exception if it detects an excessively long number that cannot be parsed (> 4 digits) e.g. "02/221951" is not legal input.
  12. RadDateInput: The MaxLength property now behaves as expected in all cases.
  13. RadNumericTextBox: CompareValidator is now working as expected when the page culture uses a decimal separator different from "." (e.g. ",").
  14. RadNumericTextBox: the client-side OnValueChanged event now fires properly in some specific cases (handling the "0" Vs "" user input)
  15. RadNumericTextBox: DbValue no longer throws an exception when it is assigned null value
  16. RadNumericTextBox: a problem with the MaxValue property and really big numbers (e.g. if you type credit card number) is now fixed.
  17. RadNumericTextBox: value is no longer rounded when focusing the control on initial load in some scenarios.

RadMenu v4.3.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. The ID attributes of the auxiliary iframes are now set. Those iframes are required for overlaying windowed elements in Internet Explorer
  2. Improved performance in JSON serialization

RadPanelbar v4.2.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. Improved performance in JSON serialization.

RadSpell v3.1.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. SpellChecker.GetSuggestions() is now public.

RadSplitter v1.2.2

What’s New:

  1. New ForeColor property of the RadPane and RadSlidingPane.

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a problem when HeightOffset property is set and overflow of the HTML is "scroll".
  2. When handling the splitter resize, the ExpandedPane is no longer expanded and collapsed.

RadTabstrip v3.5.2

What’s New:

  1. New PostBack property on tab basis. Setting it to false will prevent postbacks for that tab.

What’s Fixed:

  1. Improved performance in JSON serialization.

RadToolBar v1.5.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a JavaScript error occurring when the Window.OnBeforeUnload event is being used.

RadTreeView v6.2.2

What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a JavaScript error occurring when the Window.OnBeforeUnload event is being used.

RadUpload v2.3.2

What’s New:

  1. Telerik.RadUpload.TempFolder web.config setting now accepts application relative paths, such as "~/Temp".

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadUpload does not upload empty files.