Release History

By product

Extensions for ASP.NET MVC (discontinued) 2010.1416

April 15, 2010

Common for all extensions

What’s New

  • Added: Encoded property to navigation components' items
  • Improved: No need to add PopulateSitemapAttribute in order to bind navigation components. Just register the sitemap with SiteMapManager in Global.asax
  • Improved: Assets with full URL are supported
  • Improved: Introducing NumericTextBoxFor<> and DatePickerFor<> overloads, which are strongly typed.

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Generate url if Url or ActionName and controllerName or RouteName properties are set, even when NavigationItem.Content is not null.
  • Fixed: Nesting grid in panelbar breaks grid ajax paging
  • Fixed: Nesting grid in panelbar breaks grid styling
  • Fixed: Nesting panelbar in tabstrip breaks panelbar styling
Calendar MVC Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Issue related to line-height set to "normal".
DatePicker MVC Icon


What’s New

  • Improved: Machine date parsing now can parse date with time.
Grid MVC Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Brasilian Portuguese localization for the grid
  • Improved: ClientTemplate supports Html.ActionLink
  • Improved: Enabled client-side templates for template columns
  • Improved: Grid detects invalid JSON response during ajax binding
  • Improved: HtmlAttributes to support client-side expressions
  • Improved: Null values are displayed as empty strings during ajax binding
  • Improved: Option to pass additional data when making ajax requests

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Cannot set the column title to an empty string
  • Fixed: Column.Encoded = false does not work in ASP.NET MVC 2
  • Fixed: DateTime filtering does not work with custom date format
  • Fixed: Delete command does not enable editing
  • Fixed: Edit and Delete commands are exposed in ASP.NET MVC 1 although editing is not supported
  • Fixed: Filter is lost after paging when the grid is initially filtered
  • Fixed: Filtering fails with non-nullable DateTime
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException thrown by the grid when the url contains empty arguments
  • Fixed: Passed paramater to OnRowDataBound event handler references incorrect row if grouping is applied.
  • Fixed: The GroupDescriptors collection is not populated during custom binding
  • Fixed: Boolean editing UI does not work in client binding mode
  • Fixed: Checkboxes cannot be unchecked during grid editing
NumericTextBox MVC Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: NumericTextBox does not output its client scripts, when loaded with ajax
PanelBar MVC Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Prevented ajax caching when using LoadContentFrom method
TabStrip MVC Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Prevented ajax caching when using LoadContentFrom method
TreeView MVC Icon


What’s New

  • Added: Checked property (determines whether checkbox should be rendered)
  • Added: ITreeViewItem interface for common properties in TreeViewItem & TreeViewItemModel
  • Added: OnChecked event when showCheckBoxes is true
  • Added: nodeCheck client-side api function

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Single descendant nodes do not have a connecting line to their parent