Release History

By product

JustMock Free 2014.11623

April 23, 2014

JustMock Lite Q1 2014 SP1 Release Notes (v2014.1.1623)

What's new:

  • Breaking Change: The Telerik.JustMockContainer.dll is deprecated. The Telerik.JustMock.Container assembly will be removed in the Q2 2014 release. Migrate your tests to use the NInject-based Telerik.JustMock.AutoMock.MockingContainer
  • New: Now the AutoMocking feature works for Silverlight as well
What's fixed:

  • Fixed: No exception is thrown when user specifies .Returns() on a constructor arrangement
  • Fixed: Invalid cast exception when using Mock.Create Like and byte properties
  • Fixed: Unhandled exception when doing a Mock.Assert
  • Fixed: Arrangements involving collection initializer syntax break occurrence asserts