Option for double-click to open a best practice analysis result
Rich text can now be imported, exported, and printed
Many new formatting options for rich text with ribbon integration
Many new features in the story hierarchical view including column choosing, filtering, searching, sorting, editing, create new story, and delete story
What’s Changed
All Telerik Silverlight controls have been updated to the latest released version
New and improved rich text editing experience using the Telerik RichText control
The story list hierarchical view has been improved with the latest Telerik TreeListVIew
It is no longer necessary to open port 9899 in the firewall
What’s Fixed
Empty iteration saved
Export to Excel actually exports html
User management site does not display correctly since update of welcome page and master site page
Same user can be added multiple times in User Management site
Export of grid data shows incorrect file extension
Task pie chart won't refresh after deleting the last task
Installer fails if username has a space in it
Discrepancy between license agreement and installer text
Installation error will be overlapped
Installer fails if target machine does not include SqlServer SMO dlls (SqlServer never been installed)
Database collation not specified in installer
Sensitive information is shown in log file when installer fails to create app pool
Unexpected move of the cursor while you are in Search Personas box which makes edit in the opened persona
When using keyboard keys (the Up& Down arrows) to increase and decrease any number in the grid, it takes the focus to the other rows in the grid
Grid Column Width setting is not saved unless another change to the grid layout is made.
Task field is not saved in Tasks Grid
Changing values like Estimate before the story is saved from changing the title results in the title defaulting to "New Story"
Adding new row set focus on last edited field - should be on name field
Project creation causes template to not set properly
Strange behaviour in the associated stories at persona manager
Warning message won't disappear until navigate then back although the problem has been solved
Web.Config file encrypts all of the appSettings – only necessary information should be encrypted
When you create a second persona immediately after creating the first one, the Objectives text stays the same as is not cleared
You can't open the associated persona from objectives Rich box of another persona because Persona ID=0
Two different exceptions when press "Print", "Print Preview" and "HTML Print" in Print menu in format tab
Exception at first export the rich text in edit story screen then 'Unable to save the file' message
An Exception is thrown when press on "View Personas" button
Fields in planning part in edit story screen should not allow entering values that aren’t valid
Exception thrown when press "Associated Story" tab in edit persona window from Edit Story screen
Integration service gets installed with wrong credentials and can't connect to SQL Server
Persona Management: multiple roles for the same story
When associate story from persona catalogue and then open associated stories tab, you won't find it
Application randomly throws concurrency errors
In a new story, clicking in the description field should automatically select all of the text
Capacity up/down control has unfixed size
When you press "Add a New Persona" button, "Search Personas" box should be cleared not to confuse the user
Exception preventing clearing the error log
Upper case letter needed in "Export" and "Print" menus in "Format" tab
You should select color from Font color picker and Font highlight color picker then click on the button to change sentence color
The changes in Objectives rich textbox won't be saved when click on Add new persona after changing Objectives rich textbox data
Change Excel to HTML in the Export menu in planning screen
Confirm deletion in Areas/Iteration Manager missing a noun
Exception thrown when create new story in stories grid while stories still loading
State sets to null when using tab and auto-complete to enter them
Sometimes Add and Delete buttons for last Iteration become dimmed
When you just make formatting changes to rich text they are not saved
Persona rich text editor does not save text when creating a new Persona
Another exception when delete stories from the Backlog in Planning screen while stories loading
Welcome page is not consistent opening up links in new browser windows
When double click Persona or Story in Quick Link, the text field should be cleared
Replace the deleted team member user ID with ID is not existing in User management site in order to complete the deletion
Installer fails if there is a blank in the password
Role Dropdown list of the Associated stories in Persona catalogue doesn't contain the same role of the Associated stories in Persona management
Project name edit throws an exception when the name is large but within the limits in validation(550)
Entering more characters into a field than it can hold in the DB can cause a crash
When adding a TeamPulse link, the formatting does not match the current text settings
On the Work Decomposition screen, rich text area is editable but should not be
Persona manager flip animation is too slow
TeamPulse crashes if changes are made to new story and navigate away before saving
Drop Downs in Rich Text Ribbon have black backgrounds
Request error when open the RSS of "What's new"
Dashboard: Current Day not correct
Exception when press "view best practices" button
Mistake in the text of Best Practices notes
Can use area\Iteration manager to edit iterations while on the Scheduling screen upon refresh
At first open, popup menus of Export and Print appears at the most left of the screen
AssignedTo field is being set a second time by the control from an empty string to null
Intellinker does not refresh when you press on Story after choosing a Persona and take the previous persona as a story
Pressing "TeamPulse Link" button many times makes the quick link frame become black
No way to close quick link popup or to add quick link without using the keyboard
Scheduling Screen Tree Expanders are not styled nicely
Exception when add new stories in Iteration Content panel while stories still loading
Exceptions and All screens will be dimmed after delete iteration from planning screen then navigate and back to planning screen.
Iteration content panel will be loaded until select iteration when collapse parent iteration and the selected iteration is a child of this parent iteration.
You must click twice to show Font size names and Font face names after opening team Pulse and the popup menus appear at the top left of the screen
Calendar width changed according to its date
User Management: Manual Activation fails due to required username and password fields (should not be required for manual activation)
Link to User management site needed
Installer doesn't allow entering new users when upgrading from Beta 2