Release History

By product

Sitefinity Community Edition 3.6 SP1

April 16, 2009

What’s New/ Fixed

Content View Based Controls (ContentView, NewsView, BlogPost, EventsView)

·         [30542] Fixed:  error "The resource cannot be found" when a ContentView control is dropped to a template page with no extension set;

·         [32824] Fixed: problem with comments not enabled for EventsView control set in List&Page mode with Comments;

·         [26440] Fixed: Collapse/Expand properties issues in Blog/News Archive controls;


News Module

·         New:  Added option to specify an image from a library as a thumbnail;  

·         New:  Added option to specify a relative path in the thumbnail field;

·         [30865] Fixed: issue with date formats for Publication and Expiration date using the cultures set in the globalization section of web.config;

·         [31897] Created option for users to be redirected when they click an URL with a tag no longer existing;

Images and Documents Module

·         [33044] Fixed:  problem with files uploaded to a library in a custom provider not displayed upon a click on Batch edit in Admin;  

·         [32324] Fixed: error showing upon cancelling an upload of a video file to a video library;

·         [29697] Fixed: problem with incorrect tag and categories count;

·         [30634] Fixed: Pagination in List view;

·         [31349] Fixed: Files size is calculated in bytes and is displayed as if in Kilobytes (KB);

·         [32740] Fixed: issue with meta data not saved saved in a custom library,  and meta fields appearing twice in edit mode;

·         [33238] Fixed: problem with images uploaded for the default language showing for all languages when allowlocalization is set to true;

·          [30654] Fixed: Error appearing upon click on Select in Advanced>Obsolete Memebers>SelectedCategories of the Video control;



·         [21045] Fixed: problem with saving edits to a page not updating the AutoPage index;

·         [27163] Fixed:  problem with file/directory in some of the index directories leading to an error the site content is indexed;

Workflow Related

·         [33349] Fixed: problem with Approve functionality not working for users with View and Approve permissions to Generic Content modules;

·          [32946] Fixed: issue with user with no rights to edit generic content items being able to edit a shared content item;

Localization Related

·         [32045] New: Enabled RSS feeds by culture;

·         [33365] Fixed: error showing upon creating a content item in a different language when localizable and allowlocalization are set to true in web.config;

·          [31477] Fixed: problem with Sitemap control not displaying specific cultures;

Medium Trust Support

·         [33213] Fixed error showing in Admin, sections Modules, File Manager, Service;


·         [31042] New: Not logged user browsing directly an Admin page in edit mode is redirected to a log in page;  

·         [31113]Fixed: Page History View link displaying error: "The page cannot be displayed" on Windows 2003 server;


·         New: Added more details to User Profiles - position, phone, instant messenger type and value, picture;

·         [29313] Fixed: LastLockoutDate field in the user database table is not set when a user locks himself out;



·         New: Implemented designers and external templates for Image Gallery and Download List controls;

·         New: The BlogPosts control designer in Edit page displays all available blogs sorted by name. All selected blogs are displayed first, also sorted by name.

·         New: RSS feeds are sorted by name in Admin section. There is also a new overload of the GetAllFeeds method that accepts as parameter a sorting expression and returns all feeds sorted by it.

·         [26436]Fixed: Sorting by Name in Category List Control;

·         [30506] Fixed: problem with CmsHttpModule breaking  ajax request for webmethod in .aspx pages instead of .asmx;

·         [30449] Fixed: problem with image not appearing when the Image URL property of the DynamicHyperLink control is set;

·         [30927] Fixed:  when two membership providers are set to two different databases, they both use only the last connection defined in the dataAccess/connections configuration element in web.config;

·         [30927] Fixed:  when two membership providers are set to two different databases, creating a search index creates an indexing client the first database, but keeps its setting are in the second one;

·          [30665] Fixed: problem with TIU site disappearing from Project Manager menu after Sitefinity uninstall and reinstall;

·         [31146] Fixed: issue with RadAjaxPanel added to a page calling the page Render method twice;

·         [30171] Fixed: Bad request error showing when the name of the template contains “&”;

·         [31297] Fixed: problem with setting the filter of a news archive control on one page updating the filter of a news archive control used on another page;

·          [31397] Fixed problem with error shown upon attempting to create a copy of a page with more than 50 symbols in the page name;

·         [31035] Fixed: problem with updates made to "EventsSchedule" control not saved;