April 16, 2009
What’s New/ Fixed
Content View Based Controls (ContentView,
NewsView, BlogPost, EventsView)
Fixed: error "The resource cannot
be found" when a ContentView control is dropped to a template page with no
extension set;
Fixed: problem with comments not enabled for EventsView control set in List&Page
mode with Comments;
Fixed: Collapse/Expand properties issues in Blog/News Archive controls;
News Module
Added option to specify an image from a
library as a thumbnail;
Added option to specify a relative path
in the thumbnail field;
Fixed: issue with date formats for Publication and Expiration date using the
cultures set in the globalization section of web.config;
Created option for users to be redirected when they click an URL with a tag no
longer existing;
Images and Documents Module
Fixed: problem with files uploaded to a library
in a custom provider not displayed upon a click on Batch edit in Admin;
Fixed: error showing upon cancelling an upload of a video file to a video
Fixed: problem with incorrect tag and categories count;
Fixed: Pagination in List view;
Fixed: Files size is calculated in bytes and is displayed as if in Kilobytes (KB);
Fixed: issue with meta data not saved saved in a custom library, and meta fields appearing twice in edit mode;
Fixed: problem with images uploaded for the default language showing for all
languages when allowlocalization is set to true;
[30654] Fixed: Error appearing upon click on
Select in Advanced>Obsolete Memebers>SelectedCategories of the Video
Fixed: problem with saving edits to a page not updating the AutoPage index;
Fixed: problem with file/directory in
some of the index directories leading to an error the site content is indexed;
Workflow Related
Fixed: problem with Approve functionality not working for users with View and
Approve permissions to Generic Content modules;
[32946] Fixed: issue with user with no rights
to edit generic content items being able to edit a shared content item;
Localization Related
New: Enabled RSS feeds by culture;
Fixed: error showing upon creating a content item in a different language when
localizable and allowlocalization are set to true in web.config;
[31477] Fixed: problem with Sitemap control
not displaying specific cultures;
Medium Trust Support
Fixed error showing in Admin, sections Modules, File Manager, Service;
New: Not logged user browsing directly an Admin page in edit mode is redirected
to a log in page;
Page History View link displaying error: "The page cannot be
displayed" on Windows 2003 server;
Added more details to User Profiles - position, phone, instant messenger type
and value, picture;
[29313] Fixed: LastLockoutDate field in the user database
table is not set when a user locks himself out;
Implemented designers and external templates for Image Gallery and Download
List controls;
The BlogPosts control designer in Edit page displays all available blogs sorted
by name. All selected blogs are displayed first, also sorted by name.
RSS feeds are sorted by name in Admin section. There is also a new overload of
the GetAllFeeds method that accepts as parameter a sorting expression and
returns all feeds sorted by it.
Sorting by Name in Category List Control;
Fixed: problem with CmsHttpModule breaking ajax request for webmethod in .aspx pages
instead of .asmx;
Fixed: problem with image not appearing when the Image URL property of the DynamicHyperLink control is set;
Fixed: when two membership providers are
set to two different databases, they both use only the last connection defined
in the dataAccess/connections configuration element in web.config;
Fixed: when two membership providers are
set to two different databases, creating a search index creates an indexing
client the first database, but keeps its setting are in the second one;
[30665] Fixed: problem with TIU site disappearing
from Project Manager menu after Sitefinity uninstall and reinstall;
Fixed: issue with RadAjaxPanel added to a page calling the page Render method twice;
Fixed: Bad request error showing
when the name of the template contains “&”;
Fixed: problem with setting the filter of a news archive control on one page
updating the filter of a news archive control used on another page;
[31397] Fixed problem with error shown upon
attempting to create a copy of a page with more than 50 symbols in the page
Fixed: problem with updates made to "EventsSchedule" control not