Release History

By product

WebUI Test Studio Archive 2009.2924

September 23, 2009

WebUI Test Studio Q2 2009 SP2 Release Notes

  • Addressed some problems with the WebUI Test Studio installer related to the DC licensing.
  • Updated WebAii test template to automatically add reference to Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Html assembly on adding new WebAii test.
  • WebAii and Design Canvas fixes.
  • Translators: added new RadListBox translator, improvements and bug fixes.
WebAii 1.1 specific changes:
  • Fixes issue when calling Wait.For() with a lambda expression as the assert condition
  • Fixed Firefox 3.5 compatibility problem with missing tabbed browsing setting which caused the extension to crash
Design Canvas v1.1 specific changes:
  • Fix case where trying to generate a coded unit test from a .aii file that has a preceding number in the name throws an exception during code generation. The user ends up with only the template code.
RadControls Translators updates:

  • Fixed code generation for actions and Dimensions, Html  verifications.
  • Fixed code generation for Expanded verification of SplitButton.
  • Menu - Orientation, EnableRootItemScroll and ClickToOpen verifications added.
  • Fixed code generation for Direction verification.
  • Fixed code generation for Dimension verifications.
  • Pane - Fixed code generation for Dimension verifications.
  • Fixed code generation for MultiPageSelectedIndex and Orientation verifications.
  • Fixed code generation for ItemState and Orientation verifications.
  • Fixed ‘Group’ code generation.
  • Fixed code generation for NavigateUrl verification.
  • Fixed code generation for FileInputActions action.
WebAii RadControls based on WebAii v1.1 (coded tests) udpates:
  • Improved Editor DropDown control.
  • Added control wrapper.