Addressed some problems with the WebUI Test Studio installer related to the DC licensing.
Updated WebAii test template to automatically add reference to Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Html assembly on adding new WebAii test.
WebAii and Design Canvas fixes.
Translators: added new RadListBox translator, improvements and bug fixes.
WebAii 1.1 specific changes:
Fixes issue when calling Wait.For() with a lambda expression as the assert condition
Fixed Firefox 3.5 compatibility problem with missing tabbed browsing setting which caused the extension to crash
Design Canvas v1.1 specific changes:
Fix case where trying to generate a coded unit test from a .aii file that has a preceding number in the name throws an exception during code generation. The user ends up with only the template code.
RadControls Translators updates:
Fixed code generation for actions and Dimensions, Html verifications.
Fixed code generation for Expanded verification of SplitButton.
Menu - Orientation, EnableRootItemScroll and ClickToOpen verifications added.
Fixed code generation for Direction verification.
Fixed code generation for Dimension verifications.
Pane - Fixed code generation for Dimension verifications.
Fixed code generation for MultiPageSelectedIndex and Orientation verifications.
Fixed code generation for ItemState and Orientation verifications.
Fixed ‘Group’ code generation.
Fixed code generation for NavigateUrl verification.
Fixed code generation for FileInputActions action.
WebAii RadControls based on WebAii v1.1 (coded tests) udpates: