Reworked the WebUI Test Studio installer (now based on WiX).
RadControls Translators full compatibility with RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2009 SP1.
Translators improvements and bug fixes (most concerning automatic code generation).
DC 1.1 specific changes:
Fix for when new element is not created when find params changed and saved to a different test step. Changing Find Param for an element but only saving it for certain steps no longer creates a new element in the Elements Explorer
Fixed trouble with Firefox connecting to popups when a test contains another test as a step. Popup not connected to when Test as Step executed before launch.
Fix for DOM Tree collapse when FindParam Edit Window opened.
WebAii 1.1 specific changes:
Restored -nomerge option when launching IE8. If IE8 browser is open when you start a WebAii test, framework fails to connect to new IE browser.
Fixed framework connection slow in FF 3.5 in WebAii 1.1
Fix for Unicode TypeText bug and mirrors 2.0 implementation
Check In to mirror the 2.0 FF clear cache and delete cookie implementation
NUnit extension updated for compatibility with NUnit 2.5
RadControls Translators Release Notes: Calendar:
Added new verification and custom editor for DatePicker: Min/Max Date.
Fixed incorrect TimeView.SelectTime element type.
Fixed incomplete code generation of TimeView.SelectTime action.
Fixed DataItem.Expand/Collapse action saving incorrect element type.
Fixed GroupPanelItem drag to ungroup action handling.
Fixed broken code generation for:
GroupPanelItem drag to ungroup action.
GridTableView.DataItems and SelectedItems count verifications.
Grid EditForm actions (Insert/Update/Cancel).
Columns reordering action.
Column.SortOrder verification.
Fixed broken code generation for EditorModeCommand click action.
Added Item.NavigationURL verification check.
Added Item.NavigationURL verification check.
Fixed the broken code generation of the following verifications:
Fixed AdvancedFormVisible property to return the correct value in different control modes (WebService; Modal="True" and Modal="False" of the AdvancedForm).