Release History

By product

Data Access Samples Kit 2014.2711

July 20, 2014

  • Artificial API: Demonstration of automated table removal - When an artificial type is deleted, its respective table will now be dropped from the database.
  • ASP.NET Web API with Kendo UI: Better delete behavior on the cars grid - The destroy operation of the data source for the grid is enhanced with a success callback function that refreshes the grid after a car is deleted.
  • ASP.NET Web Forms MVP: A warning that SQL Server Express is not installed was displayed when the sample was opened on a machine that has other supported versions of SQL Server - The Web.config file in the SofiaCarRental.View project contained the generated connection string by default which points to SQL Express and specifies a sample database as a path to a file.
  • ASP.NET Web Forms MVP: Improved event handling presentation - For a proper event handling, the RadCompression module is configured with preCondition="managedHandler".