Getting Started with Kendo UI for Vue PDF Processing

The Kendo UI for Vue PDF Processing enables you to export single- and multi-page content in PDF and provides options such as embedding images, exporting hidden content, setting the margins of the document and styling the output.

To export pages and page sections to PDF files, use either:

To export content to PDF with the PDFExport component:

  1. Place the content inside it.
  2. Call the save method of the component to save the generated file.

To export content to PDF with the savePDF method:

  1. Call the method.
  2. Pass the content as its argument.

The PDF Processing feature is part of the Kendo UI for Vue library of Vue UI components. It is distributed through NPM under the kendo-vue-pdf package.

The PDF Processing Package is part of Kendo UI for Vue, a professional grade UI library with 100+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Basic Usage

The following example demonstrates the PDF Processing export components in action.

View Source
Change Theme:

Functionality and Features

Refer to the Drawing library documentation for more information on:


  1. Download and install the package. Use Node.js v5.0.0 or later.

    npm install --save @progress/kendo-vue-pdf @progress/kendo-drawing @progress/kendo-licensing
  2. Once installed, import the package module.

     // ES2015 module syntax
     import { PDFExport, savePDF } from '@progress/kendo-vue-pdf';
    // CommonJS format
    const { PDFExport, savePDF } = require('@progress/kendo-vue-pdf');
  3. Follow the instructions on the Kendo UI for Vue My License page to activate your license. You can skip this step if your application already contains a Kendo UI for Vue license file.