Kendo UI for Vue Native PDF Generator Overview

The Kendo UI for Vue Native PDF Generator enables you to export a selection of or the entire content of a web page to a PDF file. With it, you can scale the content to better fit on the page, customize the paper size, change the page orientation, work with templates and use many others features that provide extensive control over the exported PDF file.

The Kendo UI for Vue PDF Processing is built on Vue from the ground up, with zero dependencies, by a company with 19+ years of experience in making enterprise-ready components and UI widgets. This results in Vue PDF Processing that delivers lightning fast performance and is customizable.

The PDF Processing Package is part of Kendo UI for Vue, a professional grade UI library with 100+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Kendo UI for Vue PDF Generator Demo

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This demo implements some of the features that are available in the Kendo UI for Vue PDF generator.

  • You can export the content of the PDFExport component or export a specific DOM element.
  • Export to PDF components like the Kendo UI for Vue Data Grid.
  • Adjust the export PDF based on the content using the automatic paper size option.
  • Set custom margins for the export file.
  • Generate a dynamic file name based on the current date.
  • Set the author (metadata) to reflect you or your organization.

Kendo UI for Vue PDF Generator Features

Among the many features, which the Kendo UI for Vue PDF Export delivers are:

  • Image resolution— You can limit the image resolution to improve performance (the default is to export images in their original resolution).
  • Hyperlinks—You can choose if the hyperlinks must be clickable or not in the exported PDF file.
  • Content scaling—The Kendo Vue UI PDF Renderer enables you to export a PDF document that is bigger or smaller than its original elements to fit a large document on a single page.
  • Margin configuration—The PDF Processing functionality delivers options for setting the margins of the output PDF files, which provides control over the layout of the exported document.
  • Repeated table headers—The PDF Processing component enables you to render recurrent table headers.
  • Multi-page content—For larger documents, the Kendo Vue UI PDF Renderer provides options for generating multi-page PDF files, preventing page-split, and rendering page templates.
  • Hidden content—If you need to display certain content only in the exported PDF, you can generate content, which is otherwise not visible to the user before the PDF file is exported.
  • Base64 Strings—When the document has to be exported on the server, the Vue PDF Generator enables you to create base64 string during the PDF export and send it to the server.
  • Content styling—You can change the appearance of the content with CSS rules that apply only to the PDF file, which allows styling the generated PDF without changing the web page appearance.
  • Theme support—The Vue PDF Processing, as well as all 100+ components in the Kendo Vue UI suite, are styled in four polished themes (Bootstrap, Material, Default and Fluent) and can be further customized to match your specific design guidelines.
  • Kendo Vue UI PDF Processing and all Kendo Vue UI components are natively written with TypeScript and provide all the benefits of TypeScript, such as typings, IntelliSense and many others.

Support Options

For any issues you face while working with the Kendo UI for Vue PDF Generator, use any of the available support channels:

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