Represents the props of the KendoVue Input component. Extends the native input props.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ariaDescribedBy? |
Identifies the element(s) which will label the component. | |
ariaLabel? |
Defines a string value that labels an interactive element. | |
ariaLabelledBy? |
Defines a string value that labels an interactive element. | |
defaultValue? |
| ||
dir? |
| ||
disabled? |
| ||
fillMode? |
Configures the The available options are:
iconName? |
Defines a string prop that controls the input icon. | |
id? |
Renders a floating label for the Input component. | |
inputClass? |
Defines additional class to the input element. | |
inputPrefix? |
Defines if the inputPrefix will be shown. Accepts a slot name, a | |
inputSuffix? |
Defines if the inputSuffix will be shown. Accepts a slot name, a | |
label? |
| ||
maxlength? |
Defines the built-in maxlength property of the text inputs.
| |
minlength? |
Defines the built-in minlength property of the text inputs.
| |
modelValue? |
| ||
name? |
Specifies the | |
onBlur? |
Fires when the input is blurred. | |
onChange? |
Fires when the | |
onFocus? |
Fires when the input is focused. | |
onInput? |
Fires when the | |
onKeydown? |
Fires when the 'keydown' input event is triggered. | |
onKeypress? |
Fires when the 'keypress' input event is triggered. | |
onKeyup? |
Fires when the 'keyup' input event is triggered. | |
placeholder? |
Specifies the placeholder of an | |
required? |
Specifies if | |
rounded? |
Configures the The available options are:
showClearButton? |
Defines a boolean prop that controls whether to show the clear icon. Defaults to 'false'. | |
showLoadingIcon? |
Defines a boolean prop that controls whether to show the loading icon. Defaults to 'false'. | |
showValidationIcon? |
Defines a boolean prop that controls whether to show the validation icon. Defaults to 'false'. | |
size? |
Configures the The available options are:
tabIndex? |
Defines tabindex to the input element. | |
valid? |
Overrides the validity state of the component.
If | |
validate? |
| ||
validationMessage? |
Controls the form error message of the component. If set to an empty string, no error will be thrown. | |
validityStyles? |
If set to | |
value? |
| ||
wrapperClass? |
Defines additional class to the wrapper element. |