scale-line-color String
The color of the lines. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
scale-line-dash-type String
The dash type of the line.
scale-line-visible Boolean
The visibility of the lines.
scale-line-width Number
The width of the line.
scale-labels-background String
The background color of the labels. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.
scale-labels-border-color String
The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
scale-labels-border-dash-type String
The dash type of the border.
scale-labels-border-width Number
The width of the border.
scale-labels-color String
The text color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
scale-labels-font String
The font style of the labels.
scale-labels-format String
The format of the labels.
scale-labels-margin Number
The margin of the labels.
scale-labels-margin-top Number
The top margin of the labels.
scale-labels-margin-bottom Number
The bottom margin of the labels.
scale-labels-margin-left Number
The left margin of the labels.
scale-labels-margin-right Number
The right margin of the labels.
scale-labels-padding Number
The padding of the labels.
scale-labels-padding-top Number
The top padding of the labels.
scale-labels-padding-bottom Number
The bottom padding of the labels.
scale-labels-padding-left Number
The left padding of the labels.
scale-labels-padding-right Number
The right padding of the labels.
scale-labels-template String | Function
The label template. The template supports the value
variable which represents the value.
scale-labels-visible Boolean
The visibility of the labels.
scale-major-ticks-color String
The color of the major ticks. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
scale-major-ticks-size Number
The major tick size. This is the length of the line (in pixels) that is drawn to indicate the tick on the scale.
scale-major-ticks-visible Boolean
The visibility of the major ticks.
scale-major-ticks-width Number
The width of the major ticks.
scale-major-unit Number
The interval between major divisions.
scale-max Number
The maximum value of the scale.
scale-min Number
The minimum value of the scale.
scale-minor-ticks-color String
The color of the minor ticks. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
scale-minor-ticks-size Number
The minor tick size&mdashh;the length of the line (in pixels) that is drawn to indicate the tick on the scale.
scale-minor-ticks-visible Boolean
The visibility of the minor ticks.
scale-minor-ticks-width Number
The width of the minor ticks.
scale-minor-unit Number
The interval between minor divisions.
scale-mirror Boolean
Mirrors the scale labels and ticks. If the labels are normally on the left side of the scale, mirroring the scale will render them to the right.
scale-ranges Array
The ranges of the scale.
scale-range-placeholder-color String
The default color for the ranges.
scale-range-size Number
The width of the range indicators.
scale-reverse Boolean
Reverses the axis direction—values increase from right to left and from top to bottom.
scale-vertical Boolean
The position of the Gauge.