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scale-end-angle Number

The end angle of the Gauge. The Gauge is rendered clockwise—0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system.

scale-labels-background String

The background color of the labels. Any valid CSS color string will work here, including hex and rgb.

scale-labels-border-color String

The color of the border. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

scale-labels-border-dash-type String

The dash type of the border.

scale-labels-border-opacity Number

The opacity of the border. By default, the border is opaque.

scale-labels-border-width Number

The width of the border.

scale-labels-color String

The text color of the labels. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

scale-labels-font String

The font style of the labels.

scale-labels-format String

The format of the labels.

scale-labels-margin Number

The margin of the labels.

scale-labels-margin-top Number

The top margin of the labels.

scale-labels-margin-bottom Number

The bottom margin of the labels.

scale-labels-margin-left Number

The left margin of the labels.

scale-labels-margin-right Number

The right margin of the labels.

scale-labels-padding Number

The padding of the labels.

scale-labels-padding-top Number

The top padding of the labels.

scale-labels-padding-bottom Number

The bottom padding of the labels.

scale-labels-padding-left Number

The left padding of the labels.

scale-labels-padding-right Number

The right padding of the labels.

scale-labels-position String

The labels positions.

scale-labels-template String | Function

The label template. The template supports the value variable which represents the value.

scale-labels-visible Boolean

The visibility of the labels.

scale-major-ticks-color String

The color of the major ticks.

scale-major-ticks-size Number

The major tick size—the length of the line (in pixels) that is drawn to indicate the tick on the scale.

scale-major-ticks-visible Boolean

The visibility of the major ticks.

scale-major-ticks-width Number

The width of the major ticks.

scale-major-unit Number

The interval between major divisions.

scale-max Number

The maximum value of the scale.

scale-min Number

The minimum value of the scale.

scale-minor-ticks-color String

The color of the minor ticks. Accepts any valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

scale-minor-ticks-size Number

The minor tick size—the length of the line (in pixels) that is drawn to indicate the tick on the scale.

scale-minor-ticks-visible Boolean

The visibility of the minor ticks.

scale-minor-ticks-width Number

The width of the minor ticks.

scale-minor-unit Number

The interval between minor divisions.

scale-range-line-cap String

The lineCap style of the ranges.

The supported values are:

  • butt
  • round
  • square

scale-range-placeholder-color String

The default color for the ranges.

scale-range-size Number

The width of the range indicators.

scale-range-distance Number

The distance from the range indicators to the ticks.

scale-reverse Boolean

Reverses the scale direction—values increase anticlockwise.

scale-start-angle Number

The start angle of the Gauge. The Gauge is rendered clockwise—0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system.