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animation Boolean | Object

Configures the opening and closing animations of the suggestion popup (animation in Kendo UI for jQuery). Setting the animation option to false disables the opening and closing animations. As a result, the suggestion popup will open and close instantly. The supported composite props are available in AnimationProps.

auto-bind Boolean

Defines whether to bind the widget to the data source upon its initialization (autoBind in Kendo UI for jQuery).

auto-width Boolean

If auto-width is set to true, the DropDownList automatically adjusts the width of the popup element and does not wrap up the item label (autoWidth in Kendo UI for jQuery).

cascade-from String

Sets the id of the parent DropDownList (cascadeFrom in Kendo UI for jQuery).

cascade-from-field String

Defines the field for filtering the data source (cascadeFromField in Kendo UI for jQuery). If cascade-from-field is not defined, the parent dataValueField option will be used.

cascade-from-parent-field String

Defines the parent field for retaining the from value (cascadeFromParentField in Kendo UI for jQuery). The value will also be used to filter the data source. If cascade-from-parent-field is not defined, the value from the parent dataValueField will be used.

data-source Object | Array

The data source of the DropDownList which is used to display a list of values (dataSource in Kendo UI for jQuery).

The supported values are:

  • A JavaScript object which represents any valid data source configuration.
  • A JavaScript array.
  • An existing instance.

If the dataSource option is set to a JavaScript object or an array, the DropDownList initializes a new instance by using that value as the data source configuration. If the dataSource option is an existing instance, the DropDownList uses that instance and will not initialize a new one.

data-text-field String

The field of the data item which provides the text content of the list items (dataTextField in Kendo UI for jQuery). Based on the data-text filed, the DropDownList filters its data source.

data-value-field String

The field of the data item that provides the value of the widget (dataValueField in Kendo UI for jQuery).

delay Number

The delay (in milliseconds) before the search text typed by the user is cleared (delay in Kendo UI for jQuery).

enable Boolean

If enable is set to false, the DropDownList will be disabled and will prevent user input (enable in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the DropDownList is enabled and allows user input.

enforce-min-length Boolean

If enforce-min-length is set to true, the DropDownList will hide part of its items when the text of the search input is cleared (enforceMinLength in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the AutoComplete shows all items when the text of the search input is cleared. Works together with minLength.

filter String

Determines the suggestions for the current value (filter in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, filtering is disabled and can be performed over string values only—the data has to be an array of strings or configured in the dataTextField option.

The supported filter values are:

  • startswith
  • endswith
  • contains

fixed-group-template String | Function

The template for rendering the fixed header group (fixedGroupTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the DropDownList displays only the value of the current group.

The template for rendering the footer template (footerTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery). Receives the DropDownList itself as part of the data argument. The fields of the DropDownList have to be used directly in the template.

group-template String | Function

The template for rendering the groups (groupTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the DropDownList displays only the value of the group.

height Number

The height (in pixels) of the suggestion popup (height in Kendo UI for jQuery). Defaults to 200px.

ignore-case Boolean

If ignore-case is set to false, the performed search for finding suggestions will be case-sensitive (ignoreCase in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the DropDownList performs case-insensitive search.

index Number

The index of the initially selected item which is zero-based (index in Kendo UI for jQuery).

min-length Number

The minimum number of characters which the user must type before a search is performed (minLength in Kendo UI for jQuery). If you set min-length to a value higher than one, the search might match too many items.

no-data-template String | Function

The template for rendering the no-data template which is displayed if no results are found or if the underlying data source is empty (noDataTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery). The no-data template receives the widget itself as part of the data argument. The template will be evaluated each time databound is triggered.

popup Object

The options for initializing the popup (popup in Kendo UI for jQuery). The supported composite props are available in PopupProps.

option-label String | Object

Defines the text of the default empty item (optionLabel in Kendo UI for jQuery). If the value of option-label is an object, then the widget will use it as any valid data item. If the widget is empty, the optionLabel is not available.

option-label-template String | Function

The template for rendering the option label (optionLabelTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

header-template String | Function

Specifies static HTML content which will be rendered as a header of the popup element (headerTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery).

template String | Function

The template for rendering the items (template in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the DropDownList displays only the text of the data item which is configured over dataTextField.

value-template String | Function

The value template for rendering the selected value (valueTemplate in Kendo UI for jQuery). By default, the widget displays only the text of the data item which is configured over dataTextField.

text String

The text of the widget which is used when the autoBind is set to false (text in Kendo UI for jQuery).

value String

The value of the widget (value in Kendo UI for jQuery).

value-primitive Boolean

Specifies the value-binding behavior for the widget when the initial model value is null (valuePrimitive in Kendo UI for jQuery).

  • If value-primitive is set to true, the View-Model field is updated with the selected item text field.
  • If value-primitive is set to false, the View-Model field is updated with the selected item.

virtual Boolean | Object

Enables the virtualization feature of the widget (virtual in Kendo UI for jQuery). You can set virtual to an object which contains the itemHeight and valueMapper properties. For more information, refer to the article on virtualization. The supported composite props are available in VirtualProps.


change: Function

Fires when the user changes the value of the widget (change in Kendo UI for jQuery). As of 2015 Q3 SP1, a cascading DropDownList triggers the change event when its value is changed due to an update in the parent DropDownList. The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the DropDownList instance.

close: Function

Fires when the user closes the popup of the widget (close in Kendo UI for jQuery). The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the DropDownList instance.

databound: Function

Fires when the widget is bound to data from its data source (dataBound in Kendo UI for jQuery). The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the DropDownList instance.

filtering: Function

Fires when the widget is about to filter the data source (filtering in Kendo UI for jQuery). The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the DropDownList instance.

open: Function

Fires when the user opens the popup of the widget (open in Kendo UI for jQuery). The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the DropDownList instance.

select: Function

Fires when the user selects an item from the popup (select in Kendo UI for jQuery).

cascade: Function

Fires when the value of the widget is changed over the API or by user interaction (cascade in Kendo UI for jQuery).


For more details about the methods available in the component's API please check its Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation.



Returns the Kendo UI DropDownList instance.