Content Security Policy

This article describes how the KendoReact suite conforms to Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and what policy configuration it may need.

Strict Content Security Policy(CSP) and What it Affects?

In general, a strict CSP can disable web app features, such as:

  • Scripts, styles, and images from untrusted domains.
  • Inline JavaScript in <script> tags and legacy DOM attributes such as onclick.
  • Inline CSS in <style> tags and style attributes.
  • Fonts and images that are embedded in stylesheets with data: URIs.
  • Dynamic code evaluation via eval().

Policy Configuration

The CSP limitations can affect the normal work of the KendoReact components. To be sure everything works as expected, the following configurations should be applied:

  • Allow inline styles to use component parameters such as width, height, top, left, etc.
  • Allow 'unsafe-inline' for style-src to enable KendoReact components to load encapsulated styles when:
  • If you use the KendoReact components through a CDN, allow as a source for stylesheets.

Sample CSP rule that ensures the KendoReact components function and look as expected

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content=" 
    style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; 
    style-src-elem 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; 
    img-src 'self' data:">

Enhancements and Changes

Since our R3 2023 release, the font icons that where previously available out-of-the-box are now accessible through this CDN link. After the mentioned version, all icons used in the KendoReact components are SVG ones.

If an update is not possible, you need to add the following CSP configuration to be sure that everything will be working as expected:

font-src 'self' data:;