Sheet Resizing

The Spreadsheet Sheet exposes a resize method that allows you to change the number of the rows and columns in the current sheet.

By default, the sheet automatically resizes after the user pastes more data than the current sheet size allows for and exposes flexible behavior when the user adds or deletes columns and rows from the toolbar.

If you delete rows or columns within a sheet, the sheet may lose data. If a row or column is deleted either by using the resize method or by using the Delete Row or Delete Column tool, it will be removed even if it contains data.

Using the resize Method

If the count of the rows or columns is programmatically set through the resize method, the user cannot revert the applied changes through the Undo or Redo tools. In this case, Undo and Redo will take effect only if the user changes the number of the rows or columns with the Insert New Row or Insert New Column, or with Delete Row or Delete Column options.

The example below demonstrates how to set the count of the rows and columns in the active sheet by using its resize method.

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