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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard navigation of the Spreadsheet is always available.

The Spreadsheet supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + ASelects the whole worksheet
Ctrl + CCopies selected cells
Ctrl + VInserts copied or cut cells to a selected location within the worksheet
Ctrl + XCuts selected cells
Ctrl + YRepeats the last action, if possible, by using the Redo command
Ctrl + ZReverses the last action or deletes the last typed entry by using the Undo command
Ctrl + select a cellSelects an adjacent or non adjacent cell
Ctrl + select cellsSelects a range of adjacent or nonadjacent cells. To simultaneously select more than one range of cells, repeat this command. The selected ranges can also overlap.
Ctrl + select a row or columnSelects an adjacent or nonadjacent row or column.
Ctrl + select rows or columnsSelects a range of adjacent or nonadjacent rows or columns. To simultaneously select more than one range of rows or columns, repeat this command. The selected ranges can also overlap.
Arrow KeysMove a cell up, down, left, or right in a worksheet
Ctrl + Arrow keyNavigates to the last cell of the current series of data. If there is another set of data afterwards, the first cell of the new series will be selected. Otherwise, you will be navigated to the last cell of the worksheet in the corresponding direction
Shift + Arrow keySelects (a range of) adjacent cells, rows, or columns, by extending the selection by one cell, row, or column
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keyExtends the selection of cells to the last cell of the current series of data. If there is another set of data afterwards, the cell selection will be extended to the first cell of the new series of data. Otherwise, the cell selection will be extended to the last cell of the worksheet in the corresponding direction
  • In the Formula bar, it deletes one character to the left from the formula text
  • In cell selection mode, it removes the content of the active cell
  • In cell editing mode, it deletes the character to the left of the insertion point
  • In the Formula bar, it deletes the character to the right of the insertion point from the formula text
  • In cell selection mode, it removes the content from selected cells without affecting cell formats
  • In cell editing mode, it deletes the character to the right of the insertion point
  • In cell selection mode, moves to the far right cell of the active row
  • In a menu or submenu, selects the last command
Ctrl + End
  • In cell selection mode, moves to the last cell on a worksheet, in the lowest used row of the used column on the bottom-right
  • In the formula bar, Ctrl + End moves the cursor to the end of the text
  • In cell editing mode or in the Formula bar, completes a cell entry and selects the cell below
  • In a data form, it moves to the first field in the next record
  • In the command toolbar, opens a selected menu or performs the action for a selected command
Alt + EnterIn cell editing mode or in the Formula bar, creates a new row within the cell
  • In cell editing mode or in the Formula bar, cancels an entry in the cell or Formula Bar
  • In cell selection mode, moves to the beginning of a row in a worksheet
Ctrl + Home
  • In cell selection mode, moves to the first cell (the top-left cell) on a worksheet
  • In the formula bar, Ctrl + Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the text
Ctrl + Shift + HomeExtends the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet
Page DownMoves one screen down in a worksheet
Page UpMoves one screen up in a worksheet
  • In cell selection mode, moves one cell to the right in a worksheet.
  • In range selection of cells, rows or columns, moves to the next cell within the active range. If the focus is on the last cell (the bottom-right cell) in the range, the focus will return to the first cell on the top-left
  • If the currently active cell is the last cell in the Sheet (the cell on the last row in the last column), pressing Tab will move the focus outside of the Spreadsheet to the next focusable element on the page.
Shift + Tab
  • In cell selection mode, moves one cell to the right in a worksheet
  • In range selection of cells, rows or columns, moves to the previous cell within the active range. If the focus is on the first cell (the top-left cell) in the range, the focus will return to the last cell on the bottom-right
  • If the currently active cell is the first cell in the Sheet (the cell on the first row in the first column), pressing Shift + Tab will move the focus outside of the Sheet to the Named ranges ComboBox on the Spreadsheet Toolbar.
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