• What is KendoReact
  • Getting Started
  • Server Components
  • Components
    • Animation
    • Barcodes
    • Buttons
    • Chartsupdated
    • Common Utilities
    • Conversational UIupdated
    • Data Gridupdated
    • Data Query
    • Data Tools
    • Date Inputs
    • Date Math
    • Dialogs
    • Drawing
    • Dropdowns
    • Editor
    • Excel Export
    • File Saver
    • Form
    • Gantt
    • Gauges
    • Indicators
    • Inputs
    • Labels
    • Layout
    • ListBoxupdated
    • ListView
    • Map
    • Notification
    • OrgChart
    • PDF Processing
    • PDF Viewer
    • PivotGrid
    • Popup
    • Progress Bars
    • Ripple
    • Schedulerupdated
    • ScrollView
    • Sortable
    • Spreadsheet
    • TaskBoard
    • Tooltips
    • TreeList
    • TreeViewupdated
    • Upload
  • Sample Applications
  • Styling & Themes
  • Common Features
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The PDF Viewer toolbar can render both built-in and custom tools. This article describes the built-in tools and shows how to reorder them.

Built-in Tools

By default, the PDF Viewer displays all its built-in tools in the order below. Use the tools prop to enable only part of the tools or change their default order.

The toolbar collection includes the following built-in tools:

  • pager
  • spacer
  • zoomInOut
  • zoom
  • selection
  • spacer
  • search
  • open
  • download
  • print

The following example demonstrates the basic configuration options for the PDF Viewer toolbar tools, which will be used by default if no tools are set. You can also add spacer elements, in order to visually split the tools.

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