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Keyboard Navigation

Managing the Focus

The ListView is a single tab stop component implementing the roving tab index pattern. By default its first item is part of the page tab sequece. To move the focus to another ListView item, arrow keys must be used. The ListView is also a templated component, and as such using the Tab key will move the focus through the focusable elements of the item template.

The ListView is composed by two structural elements:

  • ListView Content;
  • ListView Pager;

Keyboard Shortcuts applicable to the Content element

Right ArrowMoves the focus to the next rendered item. If the focus is on the last item, the focus does not move.
Down ArrowMoves the focus to the next rendered item. If the focus is on the last item, the focus does not move.
Left ArrowMoves the focus to the previous rendered item. If the focus is on the first item, the focus does not move.
Up ArrowMoves the focus to the previous rendered item. If the focus is on the first item, the focus does not move.
HomeMoves the focus to the first rendered item.
EndMoves the focus to the last rendered item.
EnterWhen there are focusable items within a ListView item - the focus moves to the first focusable item inside.
EscIf the focus is on an element inside a ListView item - returns the focus back to the ListView item.

Keyboard Shortcuts applicable to the Pager element

The Pager component is focusable, and it's actions are described in the Pager keyboard navigation specification:

Pager specification


ARIA Authoring Practices: Roving Tabindex

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See Also