Represents the props of the KendoReact Signature component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ariaDescribedBy? |
Identifies the element(s) which will describe the component, similar to HTML aria-describedby attribute. For example these elements could contain error or hint message. | |
ariaLabel? |
The accessible label of the component. | |
ariaLabelledBy? |
Identifies the element(s) which will label the component. | |
backgroundColor? |
The background color of the signature. Accepts CSS color names and hex values. The default value is determined by the theme | |
className? |
Sets a class of the Signature DOM element. | |
color? |
The stroke color of the signature. Accepts CSS color names and hex values. The default value is determined by the theme | |
dir? |
Represents the | |
disabled? |
Determines whether the Signature is in its disabled state. | |
exportScale? |
The scale factor for the exported image. The Signature width and height will be multiplied by the scale when converting the signature to an image. |
fillMode? |
Configures the The available options are:
height? |
Specifies the height of the Signature in pixels. | |
hideLine? |
A flag indicating whether the dotted line should be displayed in the background. |
id? |
Sets the | |
inputStyle? |
Represents the input element | |
maximizable? |
A flag indicating if the signature can be maximized. |
name? |
Specifies the name of the Signature input. | |
onBlur? |
The event handler that will be fired when Signature is blurred. | |
onChange? |
Determines the event handler that will be fired when the user edits the value. | |
onClose? |
The event handler that will be fired when Signature popup is closed. | |
onFocus? |
The event handler that will be fired when Signature is focused. | |
onOpen? |
The event handler that will be fired when Signature popup is open. | |
open? |
Sets the open and close state of the Signature. | |
popupScale? |
The scale factor for the popup. The Signature width and height will be multiplied by the scale when showing the popup. |
readOnly? |
Determines whether the Signature is in its read-only state. | |
required? |
Specifies if This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
rounded? |
Configures the The available options are:
size? |
Configures the The available options are:
smooth? |
A flag indicating whether to smooth out signature lines. |
strokeWidth? |
The stroke width of the signature. |
style? |
Represents the | |
tabIndex? |
Sets the | |
valid? |
Overrides the validity state of the component.
If This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
validationMessage? |
Controls the form error message of the component. If set to an empty string, no error will be thrown. This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
validityStyles? |
If set to This property is part of the FormComponentProps interface. | |
value? |
Specifies the value of the Signature. The value is an image encoded as a Data URL. | |
width? |
Specifies the width of the Signature in pixels. |