i want to add usercontrol in raddocumentpane dynamically through code at runtime is this possible
how to add this from code behind however i put post this question on http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/t/228962.aspx they send me to this site In between i tried it by own and come with my findings i added silverlight templated control to my project add some design in that and call it on my MainPage.xaml<telerik:RadPaneGroup Name=
<telerik:RadDocumentPane x:Name=
<add User Control>
testing is the templated control class which is inheriting from RadDocumentPaneradPaneGroup.Items.Add(
testing { Header=
radPaneGroup is RadPaneGroup in which i am adding
RadDocumentPane The problem is that when i run the code it add the testing class in the header of RadDocumentPane This is Generic.xaml in which i am specifying the controlshope, you understand what is going on and come up with your findings<Style TargetType=
<Setter Property=
<ControlTemplate TargetType=
<StackPanel x:Name=
<TextBox x:Name=
<TextBox x:Name=
<Button Content=