I'm using the recent version of vue grid (native) and found an unexpected behavior when setting css classes to cells. I'm using slot templates.
Let's assume the following data item definiton for a grid. The definition uses a template "h-common", with a headerClassName "cssHeader" for the header cells and a template "common" with className "cssClassData" for the data cells.
{ field: 'aFieldname', title: 'aTitle', headerCell: 'h-common', headerClassName: 'cssClassHeader', cell: "common", className: 'cssClassData' }
- When debbuging in the browser I see the "th" tag with an applied class attribute "cssClassHeader". So this works fine as expected.
- When inspecting the correspondend "td" tag, the attribute class "cssClassData" is missing. But it is only missing, when I use the slot templates. If I use the standard cells (without slot templates) then the attribute is applied. So data cells seem to work differently than header cells.
I would expect the data cells to behave like the header cells, when setting the class attribute, regardsless of the mode I use (standard, slot templates, render function).
Or did I miss something?