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Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Profiler and Justmock

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Toine asked on 16 Sep 2015, 03:00 PM

Hi there, I'm trying to profile a very slow unit test using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise, but this unit test uses JustMock.

 When I try to profile the test, it returns with the following exception:

"Telerik.JustMock.Core.ElevatedMockingException: Cannot mock 'ActuIT.Futurama.Config.Settings'. The profiler must be enabled to mock, arrange or execute the specified target.
Detected active third-party profilers:
* {C60A40F7-B6A2-428C-8E87-E1BF6563F650} (from process environment)
Disable the profilers or link them from the JustMock configuration utility. Restart the test runner and, if necessary, Visual Studio after linking."

 I've already linked the "Visual Studio 2015 Code Coverage/IntelliTrace" profiler in the Justmock settings, but this didn't change a thing.

 Does anyone have a solution?


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Telerik team
answered on 16 Sep 2015, 04:07 PM
Hi Toine,

JustMock does not yet have official support for integrating with the Visual Studio 2015 profiler. Unofficially, you can try to enable support by pasting the following snippet:
<add product="Visual Studio 2015 Profiler" name="VSPerf 14" profilerGuid="C60A40F7-B6A2-428C-8E87-E1BF6563F650"/>
<add product="Visual Studio 2015 Profiler" name="VSPerf 14 64-bit" is64bit="true" profilerGuid="C60A40F7-B6A2-428C-8E87-E1BF6563F650"/>
<add product="Visual Studio 2015 Profiler" name="VSPerf 14 alt" profilerGuid="E03EE726-D44E-43C4-A0DC-C8EA95F8E68A"/>
<add product="Visual Studio 2015 Profiler" name="VSPerf 14 64-bit alt" is64bit="true" profilerGuid="E03EE726-D44E-43C4-A0DC-C8EA95F8E68A"/>
into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\JustMock\Libraries\Telerik.JustMock.Configuration.exe.config" (somewhere among the rest of the <add/> statements in that file), then running the JustMock Configuration utility and checking the "Visual Studio 2015 Profiler" check box. I can't guarantee that it will definitely work, but I tested it on a sample project and it worked fine - both the profiler and JustMock ran in tandem.

I'd be happy to hear about any experiences you get while trying out the experimental integration, whether positive or negative!

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answered on 14 Oct 2016, 06:47 PM


This 'fix' worked for me, but can you tell me when a permanent fix will be available



Telerik team
answered on 19 Oct 2016, 06:44 AM

Unfortunately, that improvement is not in our immediate plans. I am really sorry about that.

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answered on 07 Aug 2017, 04:43 AM


I am trying the same on VSTS builds using build template using elevated mode. Can you please explain how to do it?

Kamen Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Aug 2017, 11:27 AM
Hi Rupendra,

There is integration between JustMock and Visual Studio 2015 Pofiler & Code coverage. You could enable it from the configuration window by checking the checkbox.

Regarding Visual Studio Team Services we don't have official support for it. We have clients who managed to make it work using a dedicated runner host. That way you could regsvr32 the profiler.

Unfortunately we couldn't make that work for the shared host runner. I would assume that is a security issue, but we haven't received confirmation from Microsoft. Feel free to give it a try, though.

Kamen Ivanov
Progress Telerik
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Kamen Ivanov
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