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Hi Team,
I'm struggling with RadCombobox validation.
In my Entity metadata file, I have decorated the property with Required annotation like this:
It is displaying the PlanTypes in combobox pretty well.
When something is null from DB, the combobox displays the EmptyText value which is also fine.
However, if I don't select anything from the combobox, it doesn't show validation tooltip.
FYI- I'm using SL5 with latest Telerik control suite.
Thankyou for your help.
I'm struggling with RadCombobox validation.
In my Entity metadata file, I have decorated the property with Required annotation like this:
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)] public string PlanType { get; set; }In my Xaml, I have a Combobox like this
<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="cbPlanType" DataContext="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" EmptyText="<plan type>"
ItemsSource="{Binding PlanTypes}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedEntity.PlanType, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=True,
NotifyOnValidationError=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedValuePath="Value" />
It is displaying the PlanTypes in combobox pretty well.
When something is null from DB, the combobox displays the EmptyText value which is also fine.
However, if I don't select anything from the combobox, it doesn't show validation tooltip.
FYI- I'm using SL5 with latest Telerik control suite.
Thankyou for your help.