I'm trying to plot a function with numeric domain and image in an UWP app. For that I'm using RadCartesianChart and a LineSeries. I downloaded the TelerikUWP library from Nuget.
Both axes are LinearAxis, ItemsSource is an ObseravableCollection<SampleData>, where SampleData is a Class with two properties 1) double Value 2) int Category
the chart shows empty on screen
When I change the horizontal axis from linear to CategoricalAxis, the data shows, the LineSeries appears.
but I do not want that, because when the data is irregular spaced, the domain axis will be equally spaced. And that would not be correct.
for example if I want to show {0, 10},{1,5},{10,2}, the three points will be equally spaced in horizontal axis.
I also want to use Logarithmic axis in the horizontal axis, since I also need to show logarithmic curves (with 300 or more points)
Thanks in advance.