Using Tooltip component conditionally inside grid cell

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Grid Tooltip
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Vincent asked on 17 Feb 2023, 07:09 PM

I'm trying to get a tooltip to show when hovering a cell when the characters inside the cell are more than 12 characters.

    <template v-slot:reservationNameTemplate="{ props }">
        <td :style="truncateDescriptionText(props.dataItem)">
          {{ props.dataItem[props.field] }}

This is working fine to truncate the text inside the cell, however when I try to warp it with the Tooltip like this the truncate stops working and I get no tooltip on hover

      <template v-slot:reservationNameTemplate="{ props }">
        <Tooltip :anchor-element="'target'" :position="'bottom'">
            {{ props.dataItem[props.field] }}
        <td :style="truncateDescriptionText(props.dataItem)">
          {{ props.dataItem[props.field] }}

Thank you.

Telerik team
commented on 22 Feb 2023, 08:01 AM

Hello, Vincent.

Here is a StackBlitz example demonstrating how the functionality that you want to implement can be achieved.

As you can see, in the above project, the Grid and Tooltip are defined like this - the Grid is Wrapped by the Tooltip component. 

<Tooltip :anchor-element="'target'" :position="'top'">
    :style="{ height: '400px' }"
    <template v-slot:myCellTemplate="{ props }">
        <div class="td-class" :title="props.dataItem[props.field]">
          {{ props.dataItem[props.field] }}

The above, marked in yellow code is important for the suggested implementation as it has two key configurations for the discussed scenario:

  1. The td-class class - This class is used to limit the number of displayed symbols using the following definition:
    .td-class {
      overflow: hidden;
      max-width: 12ch;
      text-overflow: ellipsis;
      white-space: nowrap;
  2. The title that is passed to the div element that wraps each cell's content - We need the title attached to the div element so the Toolbar can properly read it and display the full cell content when a cell is hovered.

I hope the above example and description will help you achieve what you need in your application.

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Grid Tooltip
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