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Use single SmartLabels inside my charting

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pogy asked on 13 Apr 2014, 11:59 AM
i have RadChartView that received real time data and added SmartLabels.
my problem is that after each point that added into my RadChartView i see new SmartLabels and i only want to see this once.

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answered on 13 Apr 2014, 12:01 PM

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 16 Apr 2014, 11:53 AM

Note that each data point in the series of the chart has a corresponding label. You can control the visibility of the those labels with the ShowLabels property of the series. However, you should keep in mind that this property will show (or hide) only the labels of the data points in the series where the property is set.

On the other hand the SmartLabels strategy is used to position the labels of the points so that they don't overlap one another. This strategy is helpful when you have a large number of points with displayed labels.

Thank you for the attachment but I don't think I can understand what is your requirement. Can you send me another drawing which demonstrates the expected result. This will help me in understanding your scenario better. In addition you can take a look at our SmartLabels demo and also the Label Customization demo which demonstrates how you can customize the appearance of the labels in the series.


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answered on 25 Apr 2014, 09:13 PM
Thanks for your response.
I am using Winforms and not  Silverlight.

I managed to overcome the problem and have a new question:

First please see the attach screenshot.
As you can see my label is out of the frame, i know i can increase the graph using this:

radChartView1.View.Margin = new Padding(x, x, x, x);
And in this way i can see my whole label but my question is if i can control the label position in order to move it a little left

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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