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TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of undefined

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Rich asked on 25 Sep 2018, 10:38 PM

In my chart I am binding two series. On create of my component I build the series and bind to the kendo ui chart component. The series look like [{Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx}, {Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx}, {Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx} .... etc] . I set the series data by setting the property. The chart displays correctly but I get this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of undefined


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Telerik team
answered on 27 Sep 2018, 10:53 AM
Hello Rich,

In general, categorical series such as Bar, Line, Area and other Kendo UI Charts, have built-in support for displaying dates that include:

  • Automatic selection of granularity/base unit (minutes, hours, days, etc.).

  • Label formatting matched to the granularity.

  • Grouping of categories into base units and series aggregates.

Refer to the following Chart Demo, where working with dates is demonstrated:

I would suggest to use similar approach for configuring the Chart component. With it, no JavaScript error is being thrown in the browser console and the component is being successfully rendered.

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answered on 01 Oct 2018, 07:52 PM

Hi Dimitar, thanks for the response.

I am trying to avoid additional data transformation wherever possible. From what I can tell from the documentation what I am doing should be working without error. I don't see an example doing exactly what I am doing but unfortunately there is no example of binding multiple series without passing a category array of value to the categoryaxis prop.

In my case each point in the series hold both the value and the data. [{Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx}, {Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx}, {Price:xxxx, DateTime:xxxx} .... etc] I am not setting the dates in the category axis. I have a computed property that is bound to the :series prop of the chart:

series() {
      let chartSeries = [];
      this.itemPrices.forEach(commodSeriesData => {
          type: "line",
          data: commodSeriesData,
          field: "Price",
          categoryField: "DateTime",
          categoryAxis: "DateTime",
          style: "normal",
          markers: { visible: false },
          labels: { visible: false }
      return chartSeries;


Formatting in this message is difficult to use. Sorry I'll have to continue inside the code formatting :) Anyway, can you see anything that would be causing issue? On top of the "getTime" error the series I am still experiencing the series does not seem to be reactively bound to the chart. I have to redraw the chart to see the changes.


Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 03 Oct 2018, 01:49 PM
Hi Rich,

Could you post a stackblitz example that demonstrates the chart configuration, the date it is populated with and the exception you are getting?

Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik
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answered on 03 Oct 2018, 02:25 PM
Hi Ivan, the issue was caused by an oversight on my part. I was originally binding to the :data-source prop and switched to the :series prop binding. I had accidentally left the :data-source prop bound in the template. It appears as though the series was binding first and then the kendo exception would fire as it tried to bind the data-source. Once I realized the data-source prop was still in the template I removed it and everything is working as it should.  Thanks for your help!
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answered on 13 May 2020, 05:38 PM
The link above goes to a 404 page.
Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 15 May 2020, 02:24 PM


Here's a valid link: Date Axes.

Ivan Danchev
Progress Telerik

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Ivan Danchev
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