JustMock Q2 2016 SP1 (2016.2.713.2)
I have the JustMock license. I installed JustMock (the JustMock_2016_2_713_2_Dev.msi file). Also I downloaded and extracted the `JustMock_2016_2_713_2_Help3.zip` file. Now I launch the `Install_TelerikJustMock.bat` file but I get the error message:
> Error: It isn't possible to find the specified section or parameter in the register.
> Ensuring same version not registered...
> ""\HelpLibManager.exe"" isn't internal or external
> command, runtime program or batch file.
> Registering the new version...
> ""\HelpLibManager.exe"" isn't internal or external
> command, runtime program or batch file.
> Done.
> Press any key for exit...