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The content of RadHtmlPlaceHolder inside RadTabControl is not preserved on tab changed when IsContentPreserved is set to true.

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Jerome MAILLEY asked on 08 Feb 2016, 04:12 PM


First of all, my issue is about RadTabControl and RadHtmlPlaceholder.

 In fact my scenario is quite simple. I have 2 RadTabItems with a RadHtmlPlaceholder as content template. Each time I select a tab and then come back to the previous tab, the sourceUrl of the embedded RadHtmlPlaceholder is reloaded. It means that if I made some actions on my webpage like entries in a form, I loose them everytime I change tab. I tried to set the IsContentPreserved property to true, however nothing changes about my issue.

 I hope you will help me,

 Thank you,



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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 11 Feb 2016, 02:27 PM
Hi Jerome,

This is a known issue in RadHtmlPlaceHolder control and we are aware of it. This issue is logged in our feedback portal where you can follow and track its progress. Basically, this is a complex issue due to the integration between RadTabControl and RadHtmlPlaceHolder.

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Evgeny Vdovin
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answered on 28 Jul 2016, 05:12 PM
Any update?
Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2016, 06:46 AM
Hello Evgeny,

Currently, there is no progress on the issue. You can check for status changes in the feedback portal where you can also subscribe for the feedback item. This way you will be notified by email as soon a there is a status change.

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answered on 20 Jul 2017, 03:54 PM


More than a year has elapsed and when i have a look to your feedback portal the status is marked as approved.

Could you please tell me when I can expect this fix?


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answered on 21 Jul 2017, 01:28 PM

In fact, I have just noticed that the issue is more general.

I defined my tabControl with the following contentTemplate :

<Style x:Key="ClosableStyle" TargetType="telerik:RadTabItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource RadTabItemStyle}">
  <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="{Binding IsEnabled}"/>
  <Setter Property="HeaderTemplate">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
          <ContentControl Content="{Binding Title}" />
          <telerik:RadButton Grid.Column="1"
                             Margin="3 0 0 0"
                             IsEnabled="{Binding IsCloseEnabled}"
                             Style="{StaticResource NoBorderRadButtonStyle}"/>
  <Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
          <!--add a frame!-->
          <navigation:Frame Padding="5,5,5,5" x:Name="Frame" Source="{Binding Uri}"
            VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
            JournalOwnership="OwnsJournal" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/ModuleExecution" MappedUri="/Views/Modules/ModuleEditionView.xaml"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/Refresh/Module/{pageName}/{param}" MappedUri="/Views/ModuleMenu.xaml?Menu={pageName}&Refresh={param}"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/Refresh/{pageName}/{param}" MappedUri="/Views/{pageName}View.xaml?Refresh={param}"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/Module/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/ModuleMenu.xaml?Menu={pageName}"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/FormulaEdition" MappedUri="/Views/Formulas/FormulaEditionView.xaml"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/GeneralLedger" MappedUri="/Views/GeneralLedger/GeneralLedgerView.xaml"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/Asp/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/AspPlaceHolder.xaml?Page={pageName}"/>
                <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/{pageName}" MappedUri="/Views/{pageName}View.xaml"/>


Each time I select a tab and then come back to the previous tab, the state of the page is lost. It's not only about RadHtmlPlaceHolder but every Silverlight views. My tabControl is defined like this :

_tabControl = new RadTabControl();
_tabControl.ItemContainerStyle = Resources["ClosableStyle"] as Style;
_tabControl.Align = Telerik.Windows.Controls.TabControl.TabStripAlign.Right;
_tabControl.IsContentPreserved = true;
_tabControl.SelectedItemRemoveBehaviour = Telerik.Windows.Controls.TabControl.SelectedItemRemoveBehaviour.SelectLast;
_tabControl.AllowDragReorder = true;
_tabControl.SelectionChanged += _tabControl_SelectionChanged;
_tabControl.ItemsSource = tabItemsModel;



Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 25 Jul 2017, 11:21 AM
Hello Jerome,

I used your code to test the reported general behavior but I wasn't able to reproduce it. The state of the tabs is preserved when using a Frame or any other SL UIElement. Can you try setting the SupressSelectedContentTemplateReapplying property of RadTabControl to True and see if the issue still occurs?

As for the issue logged in the feedback portal, currently this is not included in the planning for the next official release. The Approved status means that the item is a confirmed issue, but it doesn't bound to a timeframe for fixing it. If you follow the item in the portal you will be notified by email when there is a change in the item's status.

Martin Ivanov
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answered on 16 Mar 2018, 08:59 AM


It's been more than two years that I opened this thread and I still have no update about that very annoying issue.

Could you please tell me if you planned to fix that issue one day ?


Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 21 Mar 2018, 08:52 AM
Hello Jerome,

I am afraid that this is not included in our current planning. The issue's priority is not very high compared to some other items, however, I can suggest you follow the item in the portal and also our roadmap. If any change in the issue's status appears you can see it there.

Martin Ivanov
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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
Evgeny Vdovin
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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