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Tab Key Navigation

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Daní asked on 24 May 2011, 03:45 PM

I'm using RadTreeListView with both Row and Column virtualization. This RadTreeListView has an "edition column". Using style selectors I'm providing this column with an editor. Only leaf cells are editable, so rows with children items do not show cells, just a description. I want that when user press tab key the treelistview's current cell shift down side. That means if users is in the column editor of the first row, it he presses tab key the current cell must be the editor on the second row and so on. If next row is not a leaf one (it has children), this row must be expanded (if needed) and the first leaf row in its hierarchy set as the current cell.

I've created a CustomKeyboardCommandProvider by inheriting from DefaultKeaboardCommandProvidre and I've cleared the commands returned when Key is TabKey. Then, I try to expand necessary nodes and set the next cell to current. This work fines until the next row is not a leaf row (it contains children).

How can I navigate top to down with the tab key?

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answered on 24 May 2011, 03:50 PM

In my behavior I was setting Cell.IsCurrent to true. Calling Focus() method on cell makes it working great
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