6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Use the markers object of the series or seriesDefaults. In particular marker.size
markers: {
size: 20
Use the markers object of the series or seriesDefaults. In particular marker.size
markers: {
size: 20
Thanks a lot EZ, certainly the answer is in the markers object, the sized definitely helped, but i still have the Z-Index issue, i'll attach an image of the actual chart since i can't reproduce it in the kendo dojo. Is there any way to make it appear in front of the majorGridlines and not in the back?. Thanks in advance!.
Can you show us your code for generating the chart? I can't make the majorgridlines go in front of the series...
In SVG there is no z-index property, instead elements obey the order they are added to the SVGDOM element.
Sure, this is the chart and the variables i use, sorry i don't know how to format the codeblock.
<div kendo-chart
class="chart risk-management-chart">
var chartColors = {
lightBlue: '#0394FD',
gray: '#D5D5D5',
white: '#FFFFFF',
black: '#000000'
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
cache: false,
url: getDataSource(scope.serviceName)
scope.dataSource = dataSource;
scope.legend = {
position: 'custom',
visible: true,
orientation: 'horizontal',
offsetX: 235,
offsetY: 240
scope.panes = [
margin: {
top: 20
name: 'top-pane',
clip: false,
height: 230
name: 'bottom-pane',
height: 60
scope.seriesDefaults = {
type: 'area',
labels: {
visible: false,
opacity: 1,
background: chartColors.white,
border: {
opacity: 1,
width: 0.5,
color: graphValueLabelBorderColor
markers: {
size: 20
opacity: 1
scope.series = [
field: 'InherentRisk',
name: 'Inherent Risk',
missingValues: 'zero',
color: chartColors.lightBlue
field: 'ResidualRisk',
name: 'Residual Risk',
missingValues: 'zero',
color: chartColors.gray
scope.tooltip = {
visible: true,
template: "Risk Score: #: value # <br/> From #: dataItem.AssessmentCount # assessments"
scope.categoryAxis = {
field: 'Month',
baseUnit: 'months',
pane: 'bottom-pane',
background: chartColors.white,
line: { visible: false },
labels: {
padding: { left: 20, right: 20 },
margin: { bottom: 10 },
color: chartColors.lightBlue,
font: "12px Source Sans Pro,sans-serif",
template: "#: kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(value, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'MMM').toUpperCase() + ' ' + kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(value, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yy') #"
minorGridLines: { visible: false },
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
color: chartColors.white,
width: 5
scope.valueAxis = [{
visible: false,
majorGridLines: { visible: false }
[quote]EZ said:It is because you have created panes and assigned the category axis to the bottom pane. What are you trying to accomplish with the panes in this scenario?[/quote]
Thanks EZ!, i've been fiddling with the panes and achieved the result i wanted. I didn't answer yesterday couse i was busy trying stuff. Thanks again you have been very helpful.