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Stacked Bar = Confused

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Scott asked on 12 May 2011, 08:21 PM
Most of the chart types I have used so far are pretty straight forward.  However, I just can't get my mind around how the Stacked Bar chart works.  I have downloaded  a couple of exameples and I still don't get it.  My current needs are very simple, but I can't figure out how to get it working.

I want to show one bar with 5 or 6 stacked segments.  Each segment needs to be a different color and show in the legend along with a description of what it is referencing.  I am using MVVM and plan to bind the control to a property in my ViewModel.  One bar is all I need at this point - no grouping or anything.

The last example I saw had a Stacked Bar chart bound to a ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection<Model>>.  Is a nested list necessary to show a stacked bar chart?  Is there any resource (other than the online help, because I have read and read) that you can point me to where I can learn once and for all how this works?

What should have taken me a few hours is taking me days...


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answered on 17 May 2011, 01:50 PM
Hi Scott,

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create StackedBar chart without the need of Nested Collections:

public partial class MainPage : UserControl 
        public class Company 
            public string Name { get; set; } 
            public double Value1 { get; set; } 
            public double Value2 { get; set; } 
            public double Value3 { get; set; } 
            public Company(string name, double value1, double value2, double value3) 
                Name = name; 
                Value1 = value1; 
                Value2 = value2; 
                Value3 = value3; 
        public MainPage() 
            List<Company> sampleData = new List<Company>(); 
            sampleData.Add(new Company("Physical", 100, 400, 300));
            SeriesMapping seriesMapping = new SeriesMapping { LegendLabel = "Series 1" }; 
            seriesMapping.ItemMappings.Add(new ItemMapping("Value1", DataPointMember.YValue)); 
            seriesMapping.ItemMappings.Add(new ItemMapping("Name", DataPointMember.XCategory)); 
            seriesMapping.SeriesDefinition = new  StackedBarSeriesDefinition() { ShowItemLabels = true}; 
            RadChart1.ItemsSource = sampleData; 

The chart is bound using  a list of business objects. List has one element (that means you'll have one stacked bar). In order to map to such kind of business objects, you have to create a new instance of SeriesMapping. For more information please take a look at our documentation. Each SeriesMapping has ItemMapping property. For each ItemMappings the following properties are set - DataPointMember and FieldName which specifies from where the data should be taken. To be able to show custom labels for Axis X tickpoints - chart uses Categories. In above XAML each XCategory is mapped to Name property of the class Company.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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