Posted 0 minutes ago (permalink)
We are using the Rad Controls for Silverlight Q1 2011 SP1(Version 11.1.419.0) in our application.
We are not able to set the Rad Slider's selection (It is a read only property) (which is used in RAD TImeBar). However in the documentation (Online) it shows that we can set the selection property at runtime.
Is it because of older version we are using?
Also currently we are setting the selection Range based on Selection Start & Selection End , so the Slider_SelectionRangeChanged event is firing 2 times?(One for SelectionStart chnage and , 2nd time for SelectionEnd Change)
Is it possible to restrict the change event to happen once , like how it is happening for RadTimeBar Control?
I.e. RadTimeBar.Selection = new SelectionRange<DateTime> {Start = Start Date, End = End Date };
Even in RadTimeBar if we set the RadTimeBar.SelectionStart and RadTimeBar.SelectionEnd separatly(not as mentioned above)RadTimeBar_SelectionChanged event is happening twice?
Thanks in Advance