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SelectedShape issue with Connectors

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Peter asked on 03 Jul 2014, 02:53 PM
In my application, I am binding to the RadDiagram.SelectedItem so that I can display the properties of the selected item including the connectors.  This works great when I select any item on the diagram.

I am having an issue with unselecting when my selected item is a connector.

If I select a shape, it is the selected item.  Then if I click anywhere on the diagram that does not have a selectable shape, the selected item is set to null as desired.

If I select a connector, it is the selected item.  Then if I click anywhere on the diagram that does not have a selectable shape, the setter for selected item does not get hit.

This makes it so that the only way I can deselect a connector is to select something else that is selectable and thus is causing some consistiency in use issues.


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Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
answered on 04 Jul 2014, 10:16 AM
Hello Peter,

I guess you mean connections when you say connectors. If yes, we prepared a test project based on your scenario. When you select an item the TextBlock on the right of the Diagram will display its type. We think the deselection works as expected when clicking on the diagram after selecting a connection. Could you please check out our test project, let us know if we need to change something in order to reproduce the mentioned issue ? Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Petar Mladenov
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Petar Mladenov
Telerik team
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