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responsive grid

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Fernando asked on 16 Jan 2020, 10:34 PM

I am using the vue grid wrap with the bootstrap theme and I wonder how I can make my columns responsive or at least keep their size on a smaller screen and can scroll, for that set a width in my component for this reason not Does it work for example

<kendo-grid-column :field="'employee'" :width="160"></kendo-grid-column>

any ideas?

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Jan 2020, 02:05 PM

Hi Fernando,

The Responsive Columns functionality is available for the Wrapper Grid. The syntax is as shown below:

<kendo-grid-column :media="'(min-width: 150px)'"

This could be observed live at the following demo:

Let me know if you have any questions.


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answered on 17 Apr 2020, 03:05 PM
the behavior of min-width is not what was expected, apparently, in my case I forgot to mention that I use: filterable-mode = "'row'" and when the buttons to add and remove filters appear, the column is uncomfortable, some observation or help ? here is the example:
Telerik team
answered on 21 Apr 2020, 02:15 PM

Hi, Fernando,

I would suggest setting minScreenWidth to the desired columns. This will make the column hidden if the screen size is less than the predefined pixel value:

<kendo-grid-column :min-screen-width="500"

This can be examined live in the following demo:

Let me know if this helps.

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answered on 22 Apr 2020, 04:17 AM
so is it not possible to have columns with a fixed width? and if the screen is smaller the scroll should help me to scroll, that's what I'm looking for
Telerik team
answered on 24 Apr 2020, 06:45 AM

Hello Fernando,

This is the default Grid behavior. When the columns have predefined width (all columns must have width) upon resizing the container a horizontal scroller appears allowing the users to scroll to reach the columns that are no longer visible. This can be examined in the following demo:

Let me know you have further questions.

Progress Telerik

Progress is here for your business, like always. Read more about the measures we are taking to ensure business continuity and help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
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