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Remove grouping column

2 Answers 52 Views
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Mohan asked on 17 Dec 2018, 09:56 AM

Hello Team,


Am looking to remove the default column named "All Categories, All Products" etc, is there any property which is need to be set true/false ?

Have a look at the screen shot to know more.


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answered on 19 Dec 2018, 07:07 AM
Hello Mohan,

In general, the Kendo UI PivotGrid is designed to display multidimensional data in a cross-tabular way on x and y axis. Also, every dimension should have a root touple - the referred "All" columns. This summarizes the main purpose of the component.

In terms of customizing the column content, this could be achieved through:

The above options will not actually hide the desired columns, but can help in customizing their content. In case you would like to completely hide the columns, the only way to accomplish the desired result is to hide the respective HTML elements manually. The dataBound event of the component could be used for this purpose, as at the time it is executed the component is already rendered and the target elements are available.

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answered on 24 Jan 2019, 03:01 AM
CRT+RIght click then delete button
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