There is a need to better control the persistence of a RadPanes. In certain scenarios, some RadPanes should not be persisted during the SaveLayout process. I would like to request the addition of a new property on the RadPane to allow developers to set a boolean which will determine whether the Pane should be persisted during the SaveLayout: (e.g.RadPane.IsSaved)
As a workaround, I've resorted to stripping out unwanted RadPanes as a result of the RadDocking.ElementLoaded event. Unfortunately, this involves a hack, and not an acceptable long term solution.
An alternative fix is to add the ability to cancel the loading of an element from the RadDocking.ElementLoading event. Unfortunately, the ElementLoading event is currently broken and provides no reference to the element being loaded.
As a workaround, I've resorted to stripping out unwanted RadPanes as a result of the RadDocking.ElementLoaded event. Unfortunately, this involves a hack, and not an acceptable long term solution.
An alternative fix is to add the ability to cancel the loading of an element from the RadDocking.ElementLoading event. Unfortunately, the ElementLoading event is currently broken and provides no reference to the element being loaded.