I need some help with RadDocking and PRISM regions when it comes to making panes floating. I've read here that when a pane is set to float, it is undocked and hosted in a floating ToolWindow control. I'm guessing here that it is introduced in a new RadPaneGroup because when a pane is closed I'm doing some cleaning up in my code, but if I close it when floating it can't find the region specific attached properties and raises an exception.
Is there an event I didn't find that I can use when a pane is docked/undocked ? I need to gain access to that ToolWindow and make him think it's in the right region (technical explanation ™).
Or is this scenario handled somehow else ? (having floating windows with views registered to specific RadPaneGroup regions)
Is there an event I didn't find that I can use when a pane is docked/undocked ? I need to gain access to that ToolWindow and make him think it's in the right region (technical explanation ™).
Or is this scenario handled somehow else ? (having floating windows with views registered to specific RadPaneGroup regions)