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RadCalendar Issues

4 Answers 97 Views
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Mathews asked on 26 Jan 2011, 05:40 PM
I have been working with RadCalendar and struck at places and dont know how to proceed . Please help

1)I need to  bold some dates using dyanamic binding  in the RadCalendar and so believe need to use DayTemplateSelector to achieve this.
2)if i use daytemplateselector to achieve the above i will need to set the DayButtonStyle="{x:Null}" . In this case the default style seems to be ignored.

How do i achieve custom calendarbutton color styling, custom mouseover effect and also should be able to bold some dates on the Radcalendar dyanamically ?


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Telerik team
answered on 28 Jan 2011, 09:50 AM
Hi Mathews,

The best way to achieve it is to define a default custom ButtonStyle - this means retemplating the control, modify the visual states and so on. You have to set the custom DayTemplate/DayTemplateSelector when a new template for the calendar button is needed - in case of changing the collection in your view models or some other condition. Let us know if you need some more clarifications.

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answered on 12 Apr 2011, 04:44 PM

Actually, I'd like these details please (as the 'required parts' documentation section in the RadCalendar chapter is empty).
I need to change the mouse over behaviour too as it colorizes the day-button when the mouse enters it but that button then stays of that color rather than falling back to the default color when the mouse leaves.

Do I need to modify my source (paste the code if that's the case please, no pointer to a twilighted documentation ;)) knowing I already use a style selector to color specific dates dynamically? If a full retemplating is required, could I please get the code?

Thanks in advance!
Telerik team
answered on 18 Apr 2011, 07:36 AM
Hello Youssef,

The RadCalendar's buttons can be styled by creating a modifications for the styles of the ButtonChrome which is used inside. Check the attached solution. I have added all calendar resources as well the ButtonChrome, removed the telerik:StyleManager attached property from the ButtonChrome inside the RadCalendar button and applied new Style. The style is in the buttonchrome.xaml file where the brushes for the selection states have been changed.

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answered on 26 Apr 2011, 04:00 PM
Thank you :)
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