I've recently redid my data binding to use a QueryableDomainServiceCollectionView as my binding source and added a RadDataPager as well. Overall those items works great. But I had an undesirable side effect that I’m not sure how to fix, if you even can.
Before the QueryableDomainServiceCollectionView and RadDataPager were implemented it was easy for my users to filter the row using the build in filter dialogs. Once they were implemented they user only saw the distinct values based on the current page returned from the server. Is there a way to show the entire distinct list from the collection not just the current page? My gut is that there is not but figured I’d ask. If there is not I will need to turn off the distinct list in the filter dialog, I think that will be less confusing for my users. If I need to do that, can someone point me in the right direction to do that?
Many thanks,