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Pie Chart - % and Legend

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Mark asked on 22 May 2011, 04:09 PM
I have a RadChart (pie chart type) bound to a business object entity with properties bldQty (decimal) and varietalID (int).
The bldQty property represents a perctage (based on a maximum 100%).

The pie chart autoscales as objects are added to the entity set.  What I'm trying to do is have the pie represent a static 100% and as entities are addes to the entityset add the "slice".

For example if I add an entity with a bldQty = 23, it should have a single slice of 23% and only that slice shown.  Currently a full pie is drawn with the 23 value.  If I add a second entity of say bldQty = 5, I should now have 2 slices, each represented visually their part of 100%.  Currently the pie is drawn as a full circle with the two values split proportionately.

In addition, I would like to add a lookup in the Legend portion which I believe can be done in ItemDataBound.  Unfortunately what I've been able to find on the threads refers to WPF and are not relevant.

[The search function of the website / forums hasn't worked for a couple days which makes looking this type of information up difficult at best so I apologize if there are relevant threads]

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Telerik team
answered on 25 May 2011, 11:46 AM
Hello Mark,

Presently, the pie series type cannot support such a rendering. The pie is rendered as a complete entity, and cannot allow rendering of individual slices.

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answered on 25 May 2011, 11:48 AM
Hi Yavor,

Thanks for the additional information.  If only real pies acted this way ... (laughing).

This would be an interesting feature tho ... but as always thank you for your effort.

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