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Partial Mocking of Private Method not working in large test run

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Chris asked on 03 Jun 2011, 02:20 PM
I have a similar issue to

I have the following code:
ClassInitialize Method
       public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
		 Mock.Partial<EagleUtility>().For(() => EagleUtility.ValidateMessage(Arg.IsAny<byte[]>(), Arg.AnyIntTowerTypes.Unified));

public void RecieveIncomingMessageTest()
            var expectedTower = TestContext.DataRow["Tower"].ToString();
            var expectedEventDescription = TestContext.DataRow["EventDescription"].ToString().TrimStart('\r''\n'' ');
            expectedEventDescription = expectedEventDescription.TrimEnd(' ''\n''\r''\0');
            var rawDataToUse = Convert.FromBase64String(TestContext.DataRow["RawData"].ToString());
            var called = false;
            var target = new UnifiedProtocolTranslator();
            int byteCount = rawDataToUse.Length;
            EagleIncomingMessageStatus expected = EagleIncomingMessageStatus.Complete;
            EagleIncomingMessageStatus actual;
 		   Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "ProcessIncomingMessage", rawDataToUse, 0).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead((byte[] arg1,int arg2) => called =true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
            Mock.NonPublic.Arrange(target, "CompileIncomingMessage").DoNothing().MustBeCalled();
            actual = target.RecieveIncomingMessage(rawDataToUse, byteCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Method Being Tested.

public EagleIncomingMessageStatus RecieveIncomingMessage(byte[] message, int byteCount)
           var messageType = (UnifiedIncomingMessageTypes) message[0];
           EagleIncomingMessageStatus returnValue = EagleIncomingMessageStatus.Continue;
           if (EagleUtility.ValidateMessage(message, byteCount, TowerTypes.Unified))
               if (ProcessIncomingMessage(message, byteCount))
                   returnValue = EagleIncomingMessageStatus.Complete;
           return returnValue;

When I run the RecieveIncomingMessageTest method on it's own everything passes as it should.  However when I run it as part of the larger test run that test method fails.

I am sure it is because I have a test method that tests the actual funtionality of ProcessIncomingMessage in the same test class( because they are methods in the same concrete class).

How can I mock the ProcessIncomingMessage method for the RecieveIncomingMessageTest method but not for the ProcessIncomingMessageTest method so they run and pass as part of the larger test run that occurs?

Thanks again.

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answered on 06 Jun 2011, 02:38 PM
I modified how I am doing things a little bit (realizing that I was most likely architecting things incorrectly).

I still am needing help however. The issue is I have several test methods that each mock certain NonPublic(private) methods within my class, I then run the public interface method.  When I run these tests individually they work as expected, however when I run them as part of a large test run they fail.  How they fail depends on which test runner I use, If I use the JustCode TestRunner I get the message that items marked mustbecalled were not called, if I use the integrated VSTS test runner I just get an assert failed from the line above it.

here is some code that I am attempting to run.

Unit Test Methods
       ///  A test for CheckCommError
       public void CheckCommErrorWithErrorTest()
           var message = new byte[] { (byte)EagleMessageTypes.SendCommError,BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)10)[0], BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)10)[1] };
           bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
           bool actual;
           //mock the other members in EagleUtility that are being used...
          var target = new EagleUtility();
           bool called = true;
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "CheckMinimumSize", ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>(), Arg.AnyInt).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
               (BasicEagleMessage arg1, int arg2) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "CheckMessageLength", Arg.AnyInt, ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (int arg1, BasicEagleMessage arg2) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "VerifyCheckSum", ArgExpr.IsAny<byte[]>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (byte[] arg1) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "ValidateLegacyMessageType", ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (BasicEagleMessage arg1) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           actual = target.ValidateMessage(message, 3, TowerTypes.Tower4800);
           Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
       ///  A test for CheckMessageLength
       public void CheckMessageLengthTest()
           var message = new byte[] { (byte)3, BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)59006)[0], BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)59006)[1], 0 };
           var byteCount = 32486;
           bool expected = true;
           bool actual;
           //mock the other members in EagleUtility that are being used...
          var target = new EagleUtility();
           bool called = true;
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "CheckMinimumSize", ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>(), Arg.AnyInt).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
               (BasicEagleMessage arg1, int arg2) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "CheckCommError", ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (BasicEagleMessage arg2) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "VerifyCheckSum", ArgExpr.IsAny<byte[]>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (byte[] arg1) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           Mock.NonPublic.Arrange<bool>(target, "ValidateLegacyMessageType", ArgExpr.IsAny<BasicEagleMessage>()).IgnoreArguments().DoInstead(
              (BasicEagleMessage arg1) => called = true).Returns(true).MustBeCalled();
           actual = target.ValidateMessage(message, byteCount, TowerTypes.Tower4800);
           Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

The second test method is what fails.  I do have the following for my ClassInitialize method

       public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)

Please help.  I have been very impressed with JustMock and I am sure I trying to do something in the wrong way, but I am having troulbe determining the right way.

Thanks in advance.
Telerik team
answered on 10 Jun 2011, 10:39 AM
Hi Chris,

In order to test the issue in my local machine, it will be great if you send me a dummy implementation of the EagleUtility class that covers the necessary methods to run those two tests.

Thanks again for any help regarding the above context.

Kind Regards,
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answered on 16 May 2017, 03:16 PM

Hi, I am trying to test TcpListener implementation in my project. I am not sure how to partially mock private methods. Are there references that I can look? Here is sample and I am trying to mock GetStream and ReadMessage in different test methods.

public class SocketListener
        private readonly TcpListener _TcpListener;

        public SocketListener(IPAddress ipAddress, int port)
            // Initialize
            _TcpListener = new TcpListener(ipAddress ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ipAddress)), port);

        public SocketListener(TcpListener tcpListener)
            // Initialize
            _TcpListener = tcpListener ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tcpListener));
        public async Task StartListening()

                while (true)
                    var client = await _TcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);   
                    var taskResult = Task.Run(() => ReadMessage(client));
                // ignore this error
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public void Stop()
            if (_TcpListener != null)

        private bool ReadMessage(TcpClient client)
            bool result = false;
                BinaryFormatter deserializer = new BinaryFormatter();
                dynamic obj = deserializer.Deserialize(GetStream(client));
                // Process the message
                // result = ProcessMessage(obj);

                // close the connection 
            catch(Exception ex)
                string msg = string.Format("ReadMessage failed with an unexpected error. {0}", ex.ToString());

            return result;

        private Stream GetStream(TcpClient tcpClient)
            Stream stream = tcpClient.GetStream() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
            return stream;

I would appreciate any help. Thanks

Kamen Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 19 May 2017, 07:34 AM
Hello Muthukumaran,

When you want to mock just a specific methods of a class and the rest to work as the implementation then you have to set the behavior of the mocked object to CallOriginal​ this will make sure that all methods that are not mocked will behave as implemented and only the mocked ones will behave differently - here is our documentation regarding behaviors.

Here is how it would look like with your example:
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
var socketListenerMock = Mock.Create<SocketListener>(Behavior.CallOriginal, ipAddress, 80);

After you have created the mocked object with the specified behavior the next step is to mock the private
methods using the NonPublic annotation - here is our documentation regarding mocking private members.

Mocking GetStream method from your scenario will look like this:
Mock.NonPublic.Arrange(socketListenerMock, "GetStream").DoInstead(() => mocked code here));

Kamen Ivanov
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answered on 19 May 2017, 02:03 PM

Thank you. Appreciate your help

It solved my problem

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Kamen Ivanov
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