I have a pb to open a window maximised.
I'm using this code :
It worked with version Q2.2009.812 but not with Q2.2009.1023.
With this last version, when the window apears, the maximised logo seems to be "Maximised" but the window is not maximised :-(
So I need to click to set in "Normal" state button, and when I click on "Maximised" button then the window is correctly Maximed.
Any idea ? wordk around ?
I have a pb to open a window maximised.
I'm using this code :
<telerikNavigation:RadWindow |
x:Name="WindowCtlDetailcolis" |
Header="Détail du colis" |
ResizeMode="CanResize" |
WindowState="Maximized" |
WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" |
MinWidth="800" |
MinHeight="600" |
/> |
It worked with version Q2.2009.812 but not with Q2.2009.1023.
With this last version, when the window apears, the maximised logo seems to be "Maximised" but the window is not maximised :-(
So I need to click to set in "Normal" state button, and when I click on "Maximised" button then the window is correctly Maximed.
Any idea ? wordk around ?