I have a chart with an observablecollections with a custom class with 4-5 fields. Couple of fields map to the XValue and YValue and the others are to identify the datapoint. In the BuildCustomItemStyle method I use the dataseries to get all fields bound to the datapoint via
(dataSeries[(item as BaseChartItem).CurrentIndex].DataItem
However if I exceed 200 datapoints on the chart the information doesn't exist anymore and I am unable to access the fields. Also I tried to bind one of my fields to LegendLabel and extract it as well. Though this works for a limited number of datapoints on the chart and doesn't bind if the datapoints increase in number.
(dataSeries[(item as BaseChartItem).CurrentIndex].DataItem
However if I exceed 200 datapoints on the chart the information doesn't exist anymore and I am unable to access the fields. Also I tried to bind one of my fields to LegendLabel and extract it as well. Though this works for a limited number of datapoints on the chart and doesn't bind if the datapoints increase in number.